
Secret Room

The chipped door creaks with a push inwards to the dingy little hostel room located somewhere in the hills of West Virginia. You shake the key loose and step inside. I follow closely behind, paranoid of nonexistent cameras, worried about somehow being recognized going into an overnight room with someone other than my husband. It’s dark and no one knows us here anyways, so the anxiety isn’t warranted, but I can’t help it.

With the rates they were charging for the rooms, it was unlikely they even had a camera in the main office, much less facing the rooms. Considering our plans, this is a comforting thought..

The door clicks shut softly behind me while you drop your bag into the corner behind the chair set near a small table and lamp near the window on the front wall of the room. You turn and consider me for a moment through dark eyes. I swallow hard, skin tingling from the sudden electric jangle of nerves in my belly. Without a word, you step towards me and in two strides have me pushed against the inside of the door and your mouth is on mine.