The Unrepentant Sinner [M40F19] [taboo] [public]

“Bless me, father, for I have sinned! It’s been three days since my last confession.” Upon hearing these familiar words, uttered by an even more familiar voice, Father Wallace couldn’t help feeling a rush go through his body, from his handsome, leonine head to his toes and, then, to the very tip of the one part of his body that should be the last thing on any priest’s mind and, of course, it never is.

The voice belonged to Mary Sarah, the 19 year old novice who had arrived at the convent just a few weeks before. Father Wallace knew little about her past, but what he did know, from the first time he lay his eyes on her, was that he wanted — no, not wanted, needed to get her out of her nun-in-training overalls and onto his perpetually restless cock.

Because Father Wallace, though a believer — not necessarily in God, he was too smart for that, but in the power of good — was also human, and one who’s sexual urges surpassed the level society considers “the accepted normal”. In a nutshell, he was an utter lecher and a consummate pervert. Also, atypically, maybe, for a Catolic priest, he loved the opposite sex and, as he was an attractive man — almost middle-aged but not looking it, tall, fit and tanned — he had no difficulty in finding women to assuage his indelible urges.

Categorized as Erotica

Robbie, the BBW goddess, and her lover, April, make a new friend in Barbados (lesbian, threesome, public sex, cum play)

Hello, friends! This is a small excerpt from my book, The Diary of Robbie – The Erotic Journey of a BBW Goddess. Hope you enjoy it, and if you do, I would love to hear from you. You can purchase the full series for a heavily discounted price here Enjoy!

The prospect of meeting April again was tempting. I had missed her more than I was ready to admit. Suddenly, I found myself asking her to join me on the trip to Barbados and two days later we were holding hands tightly as the plane shook and shimmied over the Atlantic, making its best impression of a grasshopper with its tail on fire, after being caught in the aftermath of a hurricane heading for the US coast.

Eventually we landed and never had I been more grateful to feel terra ferma under the soles of my feet. As we went out of the airport terminal we were greeted by paradise, so much so that it almost caused sensory overload. So much green of all shades, shapes and sizes glistening in the morning Bajan sun almost hurt my eyes, accustomed to the 500 shades of grey of the British autumn. So many new fragrances in the air, unknown to our continental brains, each one both strong and pleasant, that for a few minutes I not so much breathed, but sniffed the air. So many unknown sounds of birds I had never seen or heard before that soon my neck hurt from constantly turning my head up, left and right, trying to spot the twitterer.

The Diary of Robbie – my first time with April (lesbian, mature, BBW)

I am Robbie, but you can call me Roberta. Do that and I’ll probably hate you a little from the get-go, regardless of how charming and good-natured you really are, or the fact that you love kids and bunnies and puppies and donate to charity.

Quite counter-intuitively, Robbie is really my given name, but still I got people in my life who liked to call me Roberta, as if to establish that they are, in some way, high-brow and cultured. One of these people was my mother, who is dead now. The other is my former boss, Thomas Lipstick, who is a cunt of a man, if I may say so myself. And I may, because it’s me doing all the writing, so there’s that. Okay, his name isn’t really Lipstick, it’s Lipschitz, but more about that later. […]

Today, the Lipstick finally crossed the line. There were times in the past when he was out of line, but today he tried to force himself on me. Of course, in the process he got a bloody nose and a kick to the balls, which seemed to dampen his enthusiasm somewhat. In any case, I got him on tape trying to rape me and tomorrow I’ll see what I can do to make sure he never tries this again with anyone.