Dark Damsel In Distress

I felt so alive, walking alongside you, Sir. As I walked slightly behind you, I couldn’t help but stare and smile at where I was and who I was with. You looked so good in the sunlight and so manly without even trying. You were so attractive with your assertiveness and firmness. You are the quiet type that only spoke when needed to. The kind of guy that doesn’t really smile but has all his sexy attributes on display. I found it so cute that even though you put on this mean, alpha male type of front, I still saw your soft plushy side and I loved it.

I stopped staring and smiling like a crazy girl before someone noticed how creepy I must have looked. I continued to face forward at the path ahead of us.

We were going camping in the woods!

We were with his friends, Sam and his girlfriend, Sarah. I know camping is scary sometimes but it looks like a lot of fun when your with other people, plus I felt pretty safe around him…

Who’s Your Daddy…

My eyes opened ever so slowly, the warm colour of light entering my pupils. It disturbed me. My vision took time to adjust as discovered I felt restricted. Too restricted.

I was bound by all fours. My hands by either end of stretched silver chains attached by the top corners of the tall king-sized bed. My body was positioned down low toward the foot of the bed that my ass was almost hanging off the edge. The only thing holding me in place was my legs. They were stretched, raised, spread and bound to the pillars of each side of the bottom of the bed.

The feeling of panic started to settle in and take effect as I remembered my previous vivid memory… hot choco with Daddy that he had made me. But he was angry because I had disobeyed him and then when my punishment came I ran away from a spank. I remember watching Disney movies but he just kept staring at me as I sipped on my melting marshmallows smiling at Tiana and the prince dancing with the alligator. I was getting tired but I shrugged it off. Then suddenly… nothing.

Now, this.

Categorized as Erotica

Say it again… Part 2

I suggest reading part 1 if haven’t… enjoy…

…. As he reached for my underwear, I break one hand free from his grip and forcefully place in on his clearly toned chest to fight back as I came into eye contact with him with half opened eyes. Because my strength was so drained it was no different than just regularly touching a man’s chest. He smiled at me and slowly moved my hand from his toned chest to his flat stomach, then from his stomach to down and then more down… I quickly snatched my hand back and he let out small laugh as if to say, ‘don’t worry.. next time’.
He reached for my underwear again and this time I went for his structured-too-well face and slapped him hard but to my surprise… it was alot harder in my head. He turned furious with seconds. He moved his head back to look at the sky then closed his eyes and looked back down at me. He grabbed my throat and squeezed it as he kneeled on top of my body and slapped the shit out of me. My face was throbbing as I let out a desperate cry. He raised his hand to slap me again with his other still on my throat and I flinched for my dear life. He didn’t do it. Instead he stood up and stood me up with him. As soon as I stood up I knew I was gonna pass out. My legs gave way first and he caught me before picking me up. “Put me down! Put… me…” and everything went black.

Say it again…

I was told to write a fantasy of mine… I’m quite shy and very new to this scene… but I’ll do as im told soo yh. And quite frankly I’m good at story writing. Enjoy…

I looked at the clock… 8pm on a Saturday night. Dammit. Another boring, worthless day gone by and soon to go by again tomorrow. I looked around me and there was nothing but noise, chatter and the clinking of beer glasses as guys roared at the game seated at the other side of the bar… I’m at a bar… alone too…my life really was going to shit.

It was time to leave…my ass was starting to hurt from sitting so long and my legs felt funny. I needed fresh air….Mmm…that was nice.

I always walk with my music blasted… its one of the only exciting times I can give myself now.. music, daydreaming and dreaming. Pathetic right? Trust me I know. Why couldn’t I have that excitement i saw in every book i opened… every movie I watched… why was there no adventure calling my name? I just woke up to want to go to sleep again… but I dont want to sleep and I dont want to wake up. WHY!? Is this my life now- wait… why is he walking in the same footsteps behind me… I could barely even hear him… that’s creepy but whatever.