The Girl in the Elevator [F] [exh] [ENF]

It was another dull night for Lilly and Mark during quarantine lock-down. The loving couple have spent several weeks stuck in their apartment, desperately trying to find something fun to help pass the time; well anything other than binge watching Netlfix. That’s when Lilly came up with an exciting, but naughty idea. Strip noughts and crosses. Well, originally, she wanted to do strip poker but neither of them could find a decent pack of cards; which lead Mark to suggest on noughts and crosses instead. Lilly, eager to watch her hot boyfriend/ flat mate strip down to his birthday suit, agreed. And so the game begins; with the winner deciding upon the forfeit for the naked looser.

After nearly an hour of various rounds, the two flat mates faced each other wearing nothing but their underwear. Lilly was letting her boobs hang as she lost her bra two rounds ago, but after the last round that forced Mark to take off his sweatpants, she was confident of beating him in this final game. And yet it was Mark who played the winning hand, even Mark seemed surprised at this. Lilly was dumbfounded as her boyfriend celebrates his victory in her face. “Go on babe. Time to lose the panties.” He said, revelling in his girlfriend’s defeat. Lilly reluctantly slides her panties down to her ankles; she stands in her apartment with nothing to cover her voluptuous figure but her shoulder length, wavy blonde hair. She then remembered the rule she set when she thought she would certainly beat him. “Alright then. What do you want me to do then?” She asked cautiously.

Jane’s Mishaps With Teleportation (Fictional)

Jane Archer is an inventor, dedicated to impress the scientific community with her latest groundbreaking inventions with various degrees of success. She was at an american expo for fellow inventors, where people from around the world could come one stage to demonstrate their latest scientific achievement; and Jane’s latest creation was bound to impress her peers that night. She was dressed in her smartest pants suit, the polyester hugs her smooth, hourglass like figure as she enters the auditorium. With her coal dark hair neatly tied into a bun, she was ready to walk on stage and present herself to over two hundred different inventors and people willing to fiance the best device on display. As the bright stage lights shine in her eyes, a nervous bid of sweat slowly slides down the dark skin of her face. “Ladies and gentlemen, fellow scientist and inventors.” She boldly said, addressing the audience. “Today i present the latest break through in teleportation!” She unveils a podium where a small device sits on top: it was roughly the size of a mug.

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Student’s Naked Punishment (Fictional)

This story is a continuation/ epilogue of a story i posted on here a while back, entitled: [The Girl Who Came To School Naked]( I suggest reading that story before reading this one. Hope you enjoy.

Jake was a trouble making student, that much was already known throughout the school; how today’s reason for him being sent to the principals office was different. As he was in trouble for groping and harassing the new girl in school, her name was Eileen. Already she has had a bad first day, as she had some forgot to get dressed and came in to school fully nude; that’s when the young man made a move on her in front of the whole school. It was after school hours, and the principle, Ms Davis, called him to her office to discuss this incident. No matter how much the middle aged lady scolds him for what he did to the poor girl, Jake still thinks about his hands on her smooth skin and curvy figure; he was in no way apologetic. Ms Davis has experience in giving Jake punishments and the usual threat of detention wasn’t phasing him; that’s when she mentions the possibility of getting the police involved because of Jake’s sexual assault. That got his attention. He starts begging the head teacher; he’ll take any punishment, he didn’t want to go to prison over what he thought was just a bit of fun taken way too far. Ms Davis has an idea. Give Jake some of his own medicine; she thinks to herself with a growing grin on her face.

The Naked Hitchhiker

This is Izzy is a woman that loves two things: driving her nice car, and showing off her hot body. Today was a boring day of for Izzy and her house mate, Jill; so she decided combine her two loves together. Jill watched as Izzy dropped her pants. Naturally Jill was confused about this, she asked what her housemate was doing. Izzy explains that regular driving doesn’t excite her like it used to do, so she wondered how hot it would like to drive out clothes. “You’re crazy.” Jill says, telling Izzy how much of a bad idea this is. Izzy doesn’t listen, she stands in front of Jill whilst sliding out of her silky panties. “What if you get pulled over?” Jill added. But Izzy insisted that she wouldn’t get stopped by the cop; and even if she did, she believes that it won’t matter. Izzy was pretty with a hot, slender figure and a nice wrack with a firm ass; so she believes she could easily flirt her way out of getting a ticket if a cop sees her nearly nude body. Wearing nothing but a T-shirt and a pair of trainers, Izzy strides out of the house. Her excitement builds as she walks down her drive way, as she gets in her car she discovers the satisfying feeling of the smooth leather seat against her soft skin and bare ass. Izzy drives away with a seat belt being the only thing covering her shaved crotch.

Lesbians Go Skinny Dipping (Fiction)

On this hot day: the two young ladies take a walk through the woods. These two are Linda and Ellie – two best friends reaching their late twenties. Linda was a short and kinda chubby girl with dark brown hair, who was wearing a pair of revealing shorts. Ellie was a blonde girl with a taller and slim figure, dressed in her most colourful summer wear. Their walk ends when the two stumble upon a large lakeside, glistening under the hot sun. “That looks so nice to swim in.” Said Linda. Ellie agreed: “yeah, we should’ve brought some swim suits.” Linda takes a look around the empty surroundings. “Nah, we don’t really.” Linda replied, stripping out of her tight clothing. “What are you doing?” Ellie says, unsure if she should look at her friends curvy ass and boobs so large they struggle to be contained within her bra. Linda continues to convince her friend to get naked with her. “Come on join me, there’s no one around and is hot out here. Please.” Linda begs.

Categorized as Erotica

The Girl Who Came To School Naked (Fictional)

It’s nine o’clock: A young girl with bright blonde has just started her first day at a brand new high school; her name is Eileen and she feels like she’s forgetting something. She has a new backpack, new text books for each subject. And yet she feels like something is missing, something important; but she doesn’t know what. Either way, Eileen walks into this strange new school with confidence, she felt ready to take on anything. As she walks through the halls, she noticed that the students she walks past are giving her weird looks. She couldn’t tell why, she hadn’t had done anything yet; had she?

She enters the room for her first lesson of the day. All of the smartly dressed students start staring at her, stunned, mouths open. Eileen is confused at first, that is until she looks down to see that is isn’t wearing the school uniform; in fact she isn’t wearing anything at all. She realises that she forgot to get dressed before leaving the house this morning. “Oh god no!” Eileen screams, her small hands try to cover her large double D boobs. The class erupted in laughter over the naked girl before them. Eileen crouches down to hide her hourglass figure and starts crawling up in the corner of the room out of sheer embarrassment. “This can’t be happening. How could I forget to put my clothes on?” She says to herself with tears rolling down her soft cheek. She removes her bag and uses it to cover her pussy, despite the students continuing to laugh and take pictures on their smartphones. She has never felt this exposed in her life.

Two Ladies Have Had Their Clothes Stolen [FF] [exh]

On this hot day: the two young ladies take a walk through the woods. These two are Linda and Ellie – two best friends reaching their late twenties. Linda was a short and kinda chubby girl with dark brown hair, who was wearing a pair of revealing shorts. Ellie was a blonde girl with a taller and slim figure, dressed in her most colourful summer wear. Their walk ends when the two stumble upon a large lakeside, glistening under the hot sun. “That looks so nice to swim in.” Said Linda. Ellie agreed: “yeah, we should’ve brought some swim suits.” Linda takes a look around the empty surroundings. “Nah, we don’t really.” Linda replied, stripping out of her tight clothing. “What are you doing?” Ellie says, unsure if she should look at her friends curvy ass and large boobs that struggle to contained within her bra. Linda continues to convince her friend to get naked with her. “Come on join me, there’s no one around and is hot out here. Please.” Linda begs.

The Girl Who Came To School Naked [FF/FM]

It’s nine o’clock: A young girl with bright blonde has just started her first day at a brand new high school; her name is Eileen and she feels like she’s forgetting something. She has a new backpack, new text books for each subject. And yet she feels like something is missing, something important; but she doesn’t know what. Either way, Eileen walks into this strange new school with confidence, she felt ready to take on anything. As she walks through the halls, she noticed that the students she walks past are giving her weird looks. She couldn’t tell why, she hadn’t had done anything yet; had she?

She enters the room for her first lesson of the day. All of the smartly dressed students start staring at her, stunned, mouths open. Eileen is confused at first, that is until she looks down to see that is isn’t wearing the school uniform; in fact she isn’t wearing anything at all. She realises that she forgot to get dressed before leaving the house this morning. “Oh god no!” Eileen screams, her small hands try to cover her large double D boobs. The class erupted in laughter over the naked girl before them. Eileen crouches down to hide her hourglass figure and starts crawling up in the corner of the room out of sheer embarrassment. “This can’t be happening. How could I forget to put my clothes on?” She says to herself with tears rolling down her soft cheek. She removes her bag and uses it to cover her pussy, despite the students continuing to laugh and take pictures on their smartphones. She has never felt this exposed in her life.

Linda & Ellie Have Had Their Clothes Stolen – Chapter One (FF) (ENF) (EXH)

On this hot day: the two young ladies take a walk through the woods. These two are Linda and Ellie – two best friends reaching their late twenties. Linda was a short and kinda chubby girl with dark brown hair, who was wearing a pair of revealing shorts. Ellie was a blonde girl with a taller and slim figure, dressed in her most colourful summer wear. Their walk ends when the two stumble upon a large lakeside, glistening under the hot sun. “That looks so nice to swim in.” Said Linda. Ellie agreed: “yeah, we should’ve brought some swim suits.” Linda takes a look around the empty surroundings. “Nah, we don’t really.” Linda replied, stripping out of her tight clothing. “What are you doing?” Ellie says, unsure if she should look at her friends curvy ass and large boobs that struggle to contained within her bra. Linda continues to convince her friend to get naked with her. “Come on join me, there’s no one around and is hot out here. Please.” Linda begs.

I Was Dared To Walk Naked Through The Woods [F] [Exhibitionist]

It was hot summers day, as three young and beautiful women hike through the local park; making their way to a picnic area. A blonde, curvy woman, Lilly, is leading the group, she suggest that they rest on a picnic table. “Thank god” said a slim, mousy girl named Monica Jones; as she complains about the heat. Jess, the short red head of the group, jokingly tells Monica to just strip of she’s that hot and sweaty. Lilly likes this idea, as her and Jess dare Monica to strip off all her clothes and walk up a forest path and back fully nude. The self conscious Monica refuses at first. “Come on Monica, nobody is around”. The girls said, egging the poor girl on. Monica isn’t up for this, at all; but once her friends decide that they’ll pay her 50 bucks each for completing the challenge; she hesitantly undressing in front of the two women.