My [f] memories of college- [f/m] [f/f]

I didn't follow up with the taxi driver by the way.

I did spend a lot of time on reddit though. My friend Katie's boyfriend, Eric kept talking about it like it was so amazing. I didn't know what to make of him. My other friends hated him, but if he made my friend happy, it was her choice. He was endearing in an asshole sort of way

So I took a look. I was hooked. One aspect of reddit that fascinated me was gonewild. People just, took off their clothes for strangers?

It seemed so dangerous, so exhilarating. I came up with what I considered a tasteful shoot: an artistically posed nude without a face. It would still be easy to recognize my body type if one knew me. Then again, I'm sure there were plenty of tiny full-figured brown girls in the world, but they certainly weren't on the front page.

And thankfully neither was I. I stayed at number 28 for two hours before disappearing, but it was enough.

In a weird way, I kind of wanted the boy who rejected me to see me again and come back to me. Was he even a redditor?

Kind of want to talk about my first sexual experience

It was a college party. I was a late bloomer, still am. I think I'm reasonably pretty. Kind of cute in a girlish sort of way, kind of sharp features that come off like a forced smile. It always comes off as a bit unsure, a bit off. I've never been able to fix that. I've spent my whole life trying to fit into a mold set by other people and always coming out the wrong shape. It didn't help that I was a bit overweight too. Not in a way that would be noticeable, but enough to see a little belly. All in all, I was a mess without even realizing it. I had no fashion sense, I had no sense of social presence. Worst of all, I never learned the artifice of being a woman. I never learned to flirt, to feign interest, to act nonchalant and seductive. I wore a dress. The theme was something that involved pants. I sort of walked around, drinking my who knows what in an opaque cup. I was a part of a group, but my friends never really seemed to like me that much. Was I off-putting? Perhaps I tried to hard and in the end they gave up. I never knew how to connect with anyone.