[Funny] [MF] “I don’t kiss during sex but can you give me head?”

I wanted to share my story about the weirdest encounter that I have experienced in my sex life. After recently becoming single, I have been dating on the online app Bumble for about 4 months. I started messaging this guy through the app and we planned to meet up in person. He wasn’t super talkative over the app but I figured he would be more social in person. On our first date, we didn’t have much in common and he wasn’t attempting to engage in conversation that much. Somehow he assumed this was a good thing, as he texted me after the date to ask if we could go out again. I listened to the advice of my friends that told me that this guy could have been shy during the first date and that I should give him another chance. On the second date, this guy was still uninteresting and not talkative at all. I wish that the date ended after dinner but sadly it did not. At this time, I didn’t have sex for three months (it was a dry season…) and I invited this guy back to my apartment. I figured that if this guy was boring, that perhaps he could be a good lay?
This is where shit hits the fan. I go into the bathroom and prep myself for seduction mode (brushing teeth, checking makeup, etc). I come out of the bathroom and sit beside the guy on my bed. As I lean in for a kiss, this guy pulls away. I’m super confused at this point and ask him whats wrong. This guy says (actual quote) “I don’t kiss during sex but can you give me head?”