I apologize in advance, as I don’t have a computer anymore since I moved out so I’m writing this on my phone. This is the story of the first girl I slept with after my wife and I separated. We’ll call her Dee.
First a little backstory. I am a 27 year old father of 2. I got married at 20 and had my first child a little over a year later. Then my 2nd a couple years after that. Things with the wife started off well but she was diagnosed as bipolar after our first was born and it took a few years and many different medications to get her stable(ish). But by then she wasn’t really the same person I had married. She went from carefree and loose to hyper focused and intense.
I also went through a depression during this time and eventually we just started to grow apart. During the last almost year of our relationship, we tried to make things more exciting by swinging to rekindle something we both felt was missing. That was a fun experience, and if you guys are interested I can post a story or two from that chapter of my life later. But ultimately it didn’t work out for us. And at the beginning of March this year we separated and I moved out.