letter from me (F) to my coworker, (M, former USMC)



It was surprisingly good to see you today. I’d grown accustomed to our morning routine- you used to pop in and say hello before most of our coworkers arrived, and I liked seeing you as often as I could. Of course I didn’t have your number, and I didn’t want to send a work email, but I hope you know I thought of you during quarantine.

Seeing you today made me remember why I enjoyed our morning encounters so much. Everyone else was casual, but your dress blues were handsome and had impressively straight lines- your former CO should be proud. It was a sight enough to make me want to watch you take it off.

I like to imagine you in a plain white t-shirt with those rippling arms visible. I’ve thought about you finding me alone on a stressful day and coming behind my desk to comfort me. What starts as a gentle gesture of good will- your innocent hand on my shoulder- turns into an electric connection that neither of us wants to break. So you rub my back and tell me to buck up, then start a gentle massage. You move behind my chair, but you hesitate to move too close at this point. When I relax and lean back into your waist, you know instinctively what I need.