[MF] My Best Friend’s Sister And I Cross A Line, All Thanks To Her Incredible Ass (PART FOUR)

[PART ONE](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/buz2g7/mf_my_best_friends_sister_and_i_cross_a_line_all/)

[PART TWO](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/bw23cl/mf_my_best_friends_sister_and_i_cross_a_line_all/)

[PART THREE](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/bz1zim/mf_my_best_friends_sister_and_i_cross_a_line_all/)

Hello. It’s been a minute, huh? Two months, according to Reddit. I’m sure most of you have forgotten my story, but I have received messages from a few people asking for an update. I started to feel bad that I wasn’t updating. I like to please, you know? I want everyone to love me, so here I am, giving you an update on where things stand with Emily.

If I were to cover every single that has happened in the last two months, well, this post would be entirely too long. So I’ll try to do a quick recap and then get to the juicy shit. After the sundress fucking two months ago, Emily and I continued to fuck at least once or twice a week. It probably would have been more if we weren’t both busy with work. This went on for a little over a month. It was a month of pure bliss.

[MF] My Best Friend’s Sister And I Cross A Line, All Thanks To Her Incredible Ass (PART THREE)

[PART ONE](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/buz2g7/mf_my_best_friends_sister_and_i_cross_a_line_all/)

[PART TWO](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/bw23cl/mf_my_best_friends_sister_and_i_cross_a_line_all/)

Hello. It’s been a week since the last update. I know a few people have been asking what’s going on, and for most of the week…absolutely nothing. It was a pretty boring week for the most part. Emily and I talked a few times via texting. There was some flirting going on, but nothing explicit. On Thursday, I had a bit of a scare when Daniel randomly invited me out to dinner on Friday night. He said he would be over in my part of town and wanted to hang, but my paranoid brain thought, “Oh, fuck. He knows. Emily told him.”

Thankfully, the Friday night dinner was chill. We talked, laughed and even went to a batting cage after dinner, ’cause why not? It was clear he didn’t know I was fucking his sister, so I figured it was safe to be around him with bats.

On Saturday, Emily texted me, “Have fun with Daniel?”

“Lol, yeah. Why?”

“Oh, nothing. I was just wondering if you wanted to have some fun with me tonight.”

[MF] My Best Friend’s Sister And I Cross A Line, All Thanks To Her Incredible Ass (PART TWO)

[PART ONE](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/buz2g7/mf_my_best_friends_sister_and_i_cross_a_line_all/)

First of all, I’d like to thank everyone for their advice. I didn’t think that many people would be invested in the story. The majority of you were really helpful. There was one dude who seemed super upset that I included a photo of my dick, but I mean, I didn’t force you to click the (clearly labeled) link. Also, it’s a little strange to see that the photos have almost 15,000 views, lol. Makes me want to delete them for some reason…like that’s too many eyeballs.

Anyway, after reading over the comments, I decided it would be best to have a conversation with Emily. My initial plan of avoiding her would obviously not work, and I’d like to thank you all for making me realize that sooner rather than later.

I called Emily and asked her if she could come over on Saturday, “Yeah, I work until 8, but I can drop by after?” I was pretty nervous all day. Did I want to start a relationship with her? Or was this just sexual? And who knows, maybe it was just a one time thing for her. Maybe she regrets it now. I was just going through every possible scenario in my head all day. Eventually, I had to get outside and take a walk. I ended up walking for like four miles.

[MF] My Best Friend’s Sister And I Cross A Line, All Thanks To Her Incredible Ass

I’ve been friends with Daniel for nearly 15 years. We’re both 26-years-old now and still see each other once or twice a month. We both have jobs and live 45 minutes away from each other, so getting together once a month is an amazing feat. I love Daniel like a brother. His family has always been so lovely to me. I actually stayed at their house for nearly three weeks in high school when my mom suffered severe depression following a nasty divorce. They are good people.

I tell you all this because I feel like a complete douchebag right now. Daniel has a sister named Emily. She’s 20-years-old and still lives at home. She works part time at Sephora and goes to a community college in town. I know it’s customary to add the “stats” of the woman in the story, but who really cares how tall Emily is? I feel like that’d only be relevant if she just so happened to be the tallest (or shortest) woman in the world. What you do need to know about Emily is that she’s magnetic. She has so much energy around her. It’s difficult to explain. It’s like she’s walking through life in her own little musical.