I never had a full on violent bully, just a guy in our friend group who would who targeted me a lot. A Cartman of the group. Anyway, he grew up to be this snarky, white knight in college and dated a friend of mine for about 5 years.
After I graduated, I went back home to save up some money. While I’m at the bar, I bumped into the guy’s GF (we’ll call her Kat). Kat has always been this scene girl, into MCR and Green Day. Cute, smart, and she has this really glowing tan skin that I like. Kat put on a little weight in college but the Freshmen 15 seemed to go right to her thighs and tits. I was into her but she was sticking by her asshole BF for some reason. We stayed friends and hung out still. Enough where people thought WE were dating.