[FM] [FMM] How I entertained myself at a boring party.

After getting out of my smallish town to go to college I had to come back for a few days during the semester for something. I wasn’t too upset as I had just had a break up but I had hoped to get out and party a bit that weekend and have some fun so figured I would have to leave that til next week. Most of the people I knew from home were either away at college themselves or busy but when my sister heard of my missed plans she invited me to her friend’s party to hang out (and because I could get booze).

I agreed mainly for something to do but then I came up with a plan. A guy my sister had hooked up with was going to be there. She had talked about how he was good in bed and a good guy so I figured if it got dull I could always drag him off for some fun and it wouldn’t be a wasted night.