Getting pimped out by mom. [mF]

I had been a three sport varsity athlete for 3 out of 4 years, so I had a strong back built to be American blue collar. I graduated the year before and was helping coach the kids wrestling club when I first met Mrs. Kleeburg. Her son was young, and his dad was no where to be found. He was a nice enough kid, if not obnoxiously inquisitive.

Her first overture was commenting that as long as I was teaching, she needed some self defense lessons. I ignored her at first until she caught me by the arm leaving the gym. “Holy shit!”, she commented “I wanted to know if you heard me, but now I want more.”

“I heard you Mrs. K, but it’s not like I could teach someone your size anything that would work against me.” She wasn’t a petite woman, but I towered over her. Her hips had widened with childbirth, but it certainly had done wonders for her chest.