I[F] fucked my coworker/former prof [M] then let him cum in me

Lots of exposition, more sexy stuff after the ~~~

3 years ago, I got a job at my Alma mater. I worked in an administrative department and had graduated two years beforehand.

The entire time I was a student I had a massive crush on a prof (who we will call Iain). I took a few of Iain elective classes. The class sizes were pretty small, and we had many of the same interests so we would chat and get coffee occasionally. He was probably in his early-30s at the time, and I was in my early 20s. I’ve always been a tomboy (short hair, collared shirts) but I was a significantly worse-dressed, more awkward tomboy from 18-22. By the time, I was hired (24), I had figured it out. I’m small chested and have a curvy waist. I do long-distance cycling and running because my legs are super long and tbh they are my best feature.

Iain and I followed each other on social media and he knew I had gotten the job at the college. Our offices were at completely opposite ends of campus and it was unlikely that we would run into each other in a normal workday. I had gotten over my crush more or less and thought it would be fine.