Sex with Sara [FM]

Scene Setting

After jerking off in my friends bathroom (to his GF, no less) he was kind enough to give me a ride back to campus, where I could be alone with my thoughts.

I knew I was going to make Sara my little slut, but I also knew I had to be careful around Sam, Cory, and Colin. She had already done a good job with this by bringing the conversation to snap, but I was worried that at some point, people would see our scores or whatever increasing, which would be super suspicious. I decide to text her about it.

Me: “Hey, how should we communicate with this? I dont want anyone to get suspicious.”

Sara: “i think snap would be good???” I give her my reasoning with the scores and such and she agrees that could give us away.

“what about this game i play? you can just make an account and chat with me there. cant send pics, but we can chat if we need to?”

Me: “Alright, that sounds good, let me download it and get your username”

Sexting with Sara [MF]

[Scene Setting here](

When I woke up to the text from Sara, I kind of thought I was still in a fever dream of what had happened. After I pinched myself and resolved I wasnt dreaming, here I was, on a futon, next to my friend and roommate, about to wholly and inappropriately text his GF.

However, I assume that she also had gone to sleep at some point and thought that maybe regret had started to set in for her after we both slept on it, so I decide to tread cautiously and message her with “More what?”

When she texts back, it seems like shes trying to not be explicit with her messaging “you know what I mean by more- i want what happened to happen again.”

I respond back with “….and maybe more?” to see how far shes willing to take this. She replies back to that with “mmmmmmmmm yes”

I know its wrong. I know its scummy. But I cannot deny its hot as fuck- and I do want more. I peek over at Sam and hes still asleep on his bed as I walk into the bathroom to pee and get a bit more frisky with Sara. More paranoia creeps in so I message her and say that im switching to Snap, you know, to reduce the paper trail?

Scene Setting: Sara [FM]

This is more of a narrative and it sets up a ton more stories that, I promise, will get raunchier- case in point it kept getting removed because my paragraphs were too long???

If this is the wrong sub for this, please let me know.

Sexual stuff at ***

Some years ago, I met my college roommates in my freshman dorm. My suitemate was random, and the pair across the living area knew each other. We all luckily got along fine and as the year progressed, we all became really close friends, which was great because the three of them were from the local area and I was about 5 hours from home.

During this first year together, we all got acquainted with each others friends. Specifically, my random roommate, Sam, had an on again/off again GF, Sara, that would come over and visit a lot- drinking, getting high, playing games etc. Immediately I knew there was some sort of connection there with me and Sara, topped off by the fact that Sam told me that Sara thought I was hot one night when he was drunk.