Meeting Kyla – Part 2, How I got into CNC[29M 19F] [CNC]

[Part 1](

We finally set up a date. We discuss exactly how we want it to go, limits, safeword/safe actions, etc. The day approaches, and she tells me she’s nervous, scared, conflicted, and most of all turned on. I’m half expecting her to back out last second. She doesn’t. It was becoming increasingly clear to me that the main turn on for her was the fear, and that the main turn on for me was inducing the fear. Like I said before, sexually we were hand in glove. She wanted this as real as possible. So did I.

She texts me where to pick her up from and I drive over. It’s 9:45pm, it’s dark out, she’s on the corner wearing what I told her to wear. Just a skinny little 19 year old out on the corner in the night wearing a skirt, sweater, with no panties and no bra. Any nervousness I was feeling immediately vanished, and I was taken over by a very dominating and hungry force from within. I get out of the car and walk up to her. I can tell right away she’s nervous. I put my arm around her, grab her ass and pull her towards me and breathe to her “Get in the car”.

Meeting Kyla – Part 1, How I got into CNC[29M 19F] [CNC]

Quick descriptor of myself, at the time I was 29, 5’10”, slim but athletic build, wavy brown hair, red beard, green eyes.

It had been a year since my separation with my ex wife, and I was looking for some fun. I had recently discovered the r/RapeKink subreddit, and immediately I was intrigued. What caught me off guard and also turned me on to no end was the idea of women going out and “rapebaiting”. That this was even a thing just blew my mind, that some women were so into it that they would literally seek out rape. I read more about CNC and how people would roleplay rape so they could get their “fix” in a safe way. Prior to this, I hadn’t really delved deep into sexual depravity. Some light choking and slapping were the kinkiest things I had done in my previous relationships. Slowly I began to have a major shift in how I viewed sexuality as a whole as a result of my readings, and later my actions, specifically regarding the true nature what the feminine and masculine are, at the base level. But I digress, as I read more, the more I knew I needed to try this with someone.

Meeting Holly Part 2 [30M 27F] [CNC] [Cheating]

Part 1:

Following our night together, we were both exhausted and satisfied. Drove her home, went home myself and promptly fell asleep. The next morning we started texting each other. These are the real text exchanges between us the following day.

Me: What a night. You’re truly an amazing woman

Her: I can’t stop thinking about it

Me: Same. Can’t get your eyes outta my head. The look on your face. Fuck.

Me: How did bf take things

Her: The moment I came through the door he saw me and could tell that I’d just been through something. He said are you ok and I said I think so. I started kind of reliving everything. He said it sounded very hot. But he also was surprised and concerned by how intense I described it

Me: Are you okay?

Her: I think so. I’ve never done anything like that before but I really liked it

Me: It’s very intense, I just hope I didn’t scare you off. I very very much want to see you again

Her: Im still just processing and going over every detail and my heart races

Meeting Holly Part 1 [30M 27F] [CNC] [Cheating]

DISCLAIMER: This story includes CNC(Consensual Non-consent) told from the male perspective. This can be very triggering for some people, so please do not read this if you are one of those people. If, on the other hand, you are a sick pervert like me, please continue. Everything sexual in this story was done consensually, even if morally ambiguous/wrong. We had safewords(stoplight style) and physical signals(shoulder taps) to stop at any time and for any reason.

Meet Holly[27F]. Holly was a good girl, she had a long term boyfriend of 5 years, she worked hard and played by the rules. Well, most of the rules. I can only guess why, but she took her perfect little life and decided to throw a wrench into it, a wrench that sucked her and her boyfriend into a whirlwind of erotic pain, emotional hurt, and uncontrollable lust that ultimately changed the course of their lives.

Meet me[30M], I’m the wrench. I really didn’t mean to be the wrench, it just sort of happened that way. Not that I’m blameless, you don’t become the wrench by being blameless, but at the end of the day someone has to decide to pick up the wrench and throw it.