I’m a member at a club in Vegas that has live sex shows. It is not your typical strip club but regular non-industry girls who get paid top dollar to have sex in front of the club audience. Think girl next door goes wild. An example of what goes on at the club can be read at https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/3nv3hw/vegas_sex_club_my_28f_experience_as_a_sex_slave/ written by one of the girls.
Most of the people watching at this club are men but the last time there were more woman than usual since it the show coincided with the Consumer Electronics Show.
Long story short, I started flirting with one of the girls there. She was with a couple other people from her work mostly guys. They were geeky as hell and she had that geek / yoga girl look to her. Our flirthing was mostly just by exchanging some glances as we watched the performances. At one point as we were watching one of the girls get fucked by 2 guys at once I caught her biting her lip and and squirming in her seat. I could tell she was turned on by what was happening. My dick was hard too so we were in the same position horny as hell.