The Devils Scent [MF]

I honestly don’t know why I’m sharing this as I haven’t told really anyone about this but I felt compelled to… So, why not?


I didn’t think human pheromones were a real thing in my early twenties until I met her. Let’s just call her Deena to keep things anonymous. Deena was a 5 foot even girl I met off of Facebook back when that was the primary social media service for people in high school and early college. We had mutual friends and after talking for a while we decided to meet up and hang out for the night. A little background; I had just broke off of a three month relationship to someone I lost my virginity to–I was 20 at the time after having been cheated on. I had just opened my mind to the joys of what sex is and how much I loved it, obviously, in an experimenting age and time I wanted to experience more of it. In fact, I’d say it intoxicated me to a degree. Something about sex felt safe and simultaneously vulnerable in ways that I never had as a child (not the sex, the vulnerability and the safety), so I was addicted and extremely attracted to Deena from the get go.