No Justice… (Maledom, Femsub)

Hello! I’ve just written a short story for your enjoyment. This is the first chapter of, hopefully, a longer story which is why there isn’t very much overt smut included. It’s more of a setup for the evolution of a young woman’s sexual desires.

Tags: Maledom, femsub, slapping, choking

So if that’s not your thing, I get it. And if it is, please enjoy! Any feedback is welcome. :)


“No justice, no peace! No racist police! No justice, no peace! No racist police!”

Tony and Clare marched hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder among fellow protesters through a downtown street. Clare felt a swell of pride as the group descended on a statue of Christopher Columbus and listened to one of the organizers deliver an impassioned speech about dismantling racist institutions.

Clare had been apprehensive about going, having seen the news and videos of police brutalizing protesters. However, as the march went on, Clare felt more and more comfortable as her and Tony were surrounded by friendly, peaceful, yet passionate young people. Even the police seemed to be idling by, only observing, seemingly there in case anything got out of hand.

Things Go Very Wrong, Very Quickly [MF] [Maledom/Subfem] [Cheating Wife]

Hi all! This is the first chapter of a story I’m working on. Includes a D/s relationship, reluctant cheating wife, light coercion. Enjoy, if you’re into that kind of thing! Also, any feedback is welcome on any fronts… grammar, plot, themes, etc.

I’ll try and post Chapter 2 some time in the future.


**Chapter 1**

It was over before Maddie knew it. The clack of the pool balls echoed inside of her ears as she watched the eight ball drop into the corner pocket like a slow motion scene in a movie.

Steve ran the table.


Her head was spinning. Her face felt cold and pale. Steve turned around and leaned his stick on the edge of the pool table. He crossed his arms over his chest which puffed out his firm biceps through the sleeves of his military green t-shirt. He looked at her through slits in his eyes, raising an eyebrow at her, and he was smirking like a real asshole.

Maddie swallowed, still tasting the vodka from the three… four(?) drinks during the night, feeling it coursing through her veins.