Just a tale of drunken sex and stupidity. [20f25m] (not really erotic but it includes sex and I just can’t believe it happened!)

My friend Kaitlyn is back in town for the holidays and has been begging me to go out with her. I'm not anti social or anything, but I'm not an extrovert by any means and the only previous time I had gone with her to the 18+ club I had felt awkward, out of place, and most importantly; way too sober. So I agreed to go if she could guarantee that I'd get there drunk, and leave drunk. The day came faster than I thought it would and I recruited a friend that has experience getting drinks and getting away with it. The club is country style so in mild protest I wore a short black velvet dress paired with black tights and heels. I did an exaggerated version of my usual gothesque makeup look and by the time I left my house, I was feeling myself. My friends and I pregamed and when I was tipsy enough that I was starting to get excited about the night, we headed out. Once at the club we got our Xs signifying that we shouldn't be drinking and then promptly went to the restroom to wipe them off. Since I'm not much of a dancer I went outside to smoke a cigarette and almost immediately made eye contact with a hot blonde guy that was standing alone. Confident from the booze, my outfit, and my perfectly even eyeliner(!!!!), I maintained eye contact and threw him what I am hoping looked like a coy smile. He walked up to me and started random small talk. His name was Andrew and to be honest, I don't remember much else from that conversation. My friends were probably more disappointed than surprised when I told them I'd be back later after he offered to buy me a drink. After finishing some Jack and cokes, we went out to dance and he very unsuccessfully tried to teach my two-left-foot having ass how to two step. I realized I was pretty drunk when I started making out with him on the dance floor with no regard for the people around us, just to get out of having to attempt to dance. We continued dancing, drinking and kissing until the lights came on and it was time to go, by this time I really just wanted to fuck him and I may have made it pretty obvious (by telling him that I really wanted to fuck him). I found my friends and we all decided to go to a certain breakfast restaurant that just happened to be opened at 2am. My amazing, responsible, good decision making friends grilled him as we ate after I said I'd be leaving with him. When they finally realized that I was in full slut mode and wasn't changing my mind, and he wasn't some creep, they discreetly took a pic of him to show the police if I went missing (I found that out the next day when they were filling me in on the parts I'd forgotten). We ended up getting a hotel and he went to the bathroom to get more comfortable and I got out of my clothes and waited on the bed. He came out and I could tell he was surprised to see me naked already but it didn't throw him off enough that he didn't immediately come over and start kissing me and running his hands all over my body. I'd been wanting to seal the deal for hours so I pulled his cock out to see what I was working with. He was cut and a solid 6 inches with a good amount of girth. I wanted to tease him a little but after a couple of minutes I wanted him inside me more than I wanted to tease and I guided him into my pussy. Having not had sex in months, it hurt a little at first but I adjusted quickly and somehow the tables had turned and he was the one teasing me. I was begging him to go faster as he kept a slow pace. The smile on his face told me that he was enjoying being the one calling the shots for the first time that night, and wasn't about to give it up. Being pretty submissive, I had no problem going along with him taking charge! He put a hand around my neck and told me what a slut I was after I very politely requested him to, adding in that I needed to address him as Daddy. After we finished I had my first conversation that I can clearly remember with him and he actually seemed like a cool guy. We continued messing around and just the general "I'm too tired to fuck but I want to keep touching you" bullshit. Somehow we managed to wake up early the next morning to fit in a better, less sloppy round before check out time.