Remembering our first time and reconnecting (m/f)

Note: I have been very lucky to have a lot of sex with a lot of beautiful women, so I wanted to document some of these experiences. They are all 100% true (except names). Just as a point of reference, I am often told I look like Vin Diesel (though I don’t see it at all)-I am 6’1, 210, shaved head, blue eyes, tattoos, muscular build, late 30’s, live in Florida. I will try to answer any and all questions.

When I got the message on Facebook from Melissa telling me she was going to be in town and wanted to get together to catch up it reminded me of our past. We were each other’s first everything. We ended up dating for a few years before she went to college up north and we drifted apart. Since then, she had gotten married and had a few kids.

Sex with the intern (m/f)

Note: I have been very lucky to have a lot of sex with a lot of beautiful women, so I wanted to document some of these experiences. They are all 100% true (except names). Just as a point of reference, I am often told I look like Vin Diesel (though I don’t see it at all)-I am 6’1, 210, shaved head, blue eyes, tattoos, muscular build, late 30’s, live in Florida. I will try to answer any and all questions! If you are looking strictly for the sex part, scroll down awhile.

My company was acquired and as part of the agreement I had to stay on with the firm for a period of three years. They gave me a nice executive title and placed me on their Board of Directors, I was actually quite surprised at how much I liked the new company. The atmosphere was very laid back, and a really fun group to work with.
I quickly integrated with my new coworkers, and found myself very comfortable. As I got to know my coworkers, I was surprised at how many beautiful women there were. I made a conscious decision to do what I have always done and not date anyone employed there. But damn, at this office that was a challenge; it was a young team and they partied as hard as they worked.

Barely legal pussy (M/f)

Note: I have been very lucky to have a lot of sex with a lot of beautiful women, so I wanted to document some of these experiences. They are all 100% true (except names). Just as a point of reference, I am often told I look like Vin Diesel (though I don't see it at all)-I am 6'1, 210, shaved head, blue eyes, tattoos, muscular build, late 30's, live in Florida. I will try to answer any and all questions! If you are looking strictly for the sex part, scroll down awhile.

As a rule, I try to stay away from pussy in the gym for a multitude of reasons. First, I take my training seriously and its the one place I am not looking to get laid. Next, when the inevitable happens and it goes south, I don't want to have to change gyms. With that being said, I first noticed Nicole in the gym while she was training legs. I was immediately impressed that she knew what she was doing and was training hard; I am not a fan of the people that hog up the equipment while texting or daydreaming. Oh yeah, and she was so fucking sexy. She had the type of body that I love; where she definitely had some muscle semblance while keeping her feminine curves. She was about 5'6, 110, seemed young-early 20's was my guess at the time, very small tits, but proportionate for her body, and an amazing ass.

Fucking my married neighbor (m/f with pics)

Note: I have been very lucky to have a lot of sex with a lot of beautiful women, so I wanted to document some of these experiences. They are all 100% true (except names). Just as a point of reference, I am often told I look like Vin Diesel (though I don't see it)-I am 6'1, 210, shaved head, blue eyes, tattoos, muscular build, late 30's, live in Florida and have a successful career. I will try to answer any and all questions! If you are looking strictly for the sex part, scroll down awhile. Pics included, with her consent. These pics are over a 5 year period Sorry, but I think this was a little too much of a reminder of what happened for Lori, she didn't think it would bother her, but it did, so per her request I took the pictures down

I had been living in my neighborhood a few months when I first met Lori. I later found out she is 13 years older than me, but has a flawless body. She has huge DDD tits, a tight ass, and a flat stomach. Anyway, while out on a jog she caught my eye, and she welcomed me to the neighborhood and pointed to a house and said that's where her and her husband, Mike, and daughter live. We parted ways at the corner (we live a few blocks away).

The dirty 22 year old (m/f + pics)

Note: I have been very lucky to have a lot of sex with a lot of beautiful women, so I wanted to document some of these experiences. They are all 100% true (except names). Just as a point of reference, I am often told I look like Vin Diesel (though I don't see it)-I am 6'1, 210, shaved head, blue eyes, tattoos, muscular build, late 30's, live in Florida and have a successful career. I will try to answer any and all questions! If you are looking strictly for the sex part, scroll down awhile. Here are a few pictures of Nikki, and yes she is aware of them. I went to a friend's party, reluctantly I might add. It wasn't someone I knew too well but I had told a friend I would at least stay an hour. As soon as we got to the bar (where the party was), I saw a group of women (probably late 40's), and one beautiful much younger woman (I later found out she was 22). One of the 40-somethings called me over and I realized she was a casual acquaintance that I met a handful of times through mutual friends. She introduced me to her friends, and her daughter (the young/hot one). I made small talk with the group trying to keep my eyes off of the younger one (Nikki), but she was so fucking hot I couldn't help myself. Nikki's Mom was really cool about it; even making jokes to me about how hot her daughter was. Out of respect I really tried to keep away; it just felt weird hitting on someone with her Mom standing there.

Seduced by a friend (m/f)

Note: I have been very lucky to have a lot of sex with a lot of beautiful woman, so I wanted to document some of these experiences. They are all 100% true (except names). Just as a point of reference, I am often told I look like Vin Diesel (though I don't see it)-I am 6'1, 210, shaved head, blue eyes, tattoos, muscular build, mid-late 30's, live in Florida and have a successful career. I will try to answer any and all questions! If you are looking strictly for the sex part, scroll down awhile.
The first picture is one Jill allowed me to share, the second is a cock picture that some have asked me to share, don't open the second picture unless you want to see cock!

The woman in this story, Jill, was the one who watched me in one of my previous stories