[MFF] Getting caught fucking in the pool leads to more

„Are you two just fucking?” Pia indignant with new drinks standing in the patio door. Indeed, Kirsten and I were in the pool of our shared vacation home just right in the middle of it.

Thanks to the sun and alcohol, we had not been able to hold on to us any longer. While Pia had gone inside to mix new drinks, Kirsten and I had started making out fiercely in the pool. I had pressed her against the edge of the pool. She had gotten both hands inside my swim shorts and pushed them down. I had reached into the side of her bikini panties and pushed aside the narrow strip of fabric that covered her pussy. Quite automatically we had pushed our pelvises together and I had entered her.

The situation was too clear, as denial would have been an option. But neither Kirsten nor I even thought of stopping just because Pia had come out again. Pia and I had our own past and I was pretty sure that the friendship between the two women had not remained platonic at one time or another.

[MF] A wilder than expected hook up

A few years ago I made a longer trip through South America. On that occasion I visited for a few days an old friend who was now living in Buenos Aires. He and his girlfriend had been sent there for a few years by his employer. On my first evening in the city, the two of them invited me to their home for dinner. To balance things out, they invited a friend of theirs, Constanza, in addition to me.

I was early and cooked with the two. Constanza came a little later. I didn’t know what I was expecting and I don’t know if it was maybe because of her outfit, but I found Constanza incredibly attractive from the moment I saw her for the first time.

Constanza was in her mid-20s and, as she later recounted, had European ancestry. She had full dark blond long hair, brown eyes, a slim but womanly figure. She wore a rather short black leather dress that was held to her shoulders only by two thin straps and otherwise fell loosely down her body. The dress showed a great neckline without revealing too much. I was pretty quickly sure that she was not wearing a bra. In addition to the dress, she was wearing two high heeled, lace up sandals. She was all in all absolutely fantastically dressed without being overdressed.

[MF] A quick relaxing shower fuck after training

I recently joined a sports club nearby. I go running twice a week in the evening, swimming once, occasionally to the gym.

My running group consists of a motley bunch of people. There are always about 10 to 20 people between the ages of 30 and 70. I’m definitely one of the younger ones.

The trainer, Janina, is a sports student in her early 20’s. With the training hours and some help in the office she finances her studies. Janina, is semi-professional runner, very slim, long legs, nice little butt and A-cups. She has curly dirty blonde hair. Janina, may not have been a woman that people would spontaneously turn around for in town, but when training, her fluid, energetic movements gave her great charisma.

I got along very well with her from the beginning. I had the impression that she was looking for me. Our training ground is part of a large but partly somewhat outdated sports facility. We train outside even in winter. Most of us prefer to walk home after training and take a shower there. Since I still have a good distance to drive, I prefer to shower right there.

[MF] When events just line up perfectly – simply a great summertime hook up

I was working on a long-running project for a Greek client. The project dragged on far longer than originally foreseeable and took me much more than originally planned. At one point, I found myself boarding the plane to Athens on Monday morning, flying back on Thursday evening, taking care of various administrative matters at headquarters on Friday, only to have the same cycle start again on Monday morning.

The whole thing was already exhausting under normal conditions. But at some point during August in the Athens summer heat, it became seriously unbearable. I came to an agreement with the client and my employer that I didn’t necessarily have to fly back for every Friday, as long as I could get the work done elsewhere.

I subsequently took to boarding a ferry to one of the countless Greek islands on Thursday evenings instead of a plane. I rented somewhere in resorts, the main thing was that there was beach access, good restaurants in the area and a reliable Internet connection. August is high season in Greece. Occasionally I found myself forced to book higher room categories to get anything at all. Actually a waste for me alone – but I enjoyed the luxury.

[MF] We went running together – and did some sports afterwards.

I had moved for a new job just before this story takes place. Until then I had lived in a relatively small apartment. I took the move as an opportunity to expand significantly. I moved into a freshly renovated apartment of over 100 square meters all by myself and completely refurnished it.

However, I didn’t have much time to enjoy my new home. I was paid excellently, but also had to work long hours for it. I left the house early and came back late. I knew my neighbors only by sight. At some point I had at least realized that four girls, all in their early twenties, lived in a shared apartment below me.

After a few weeks I found in the evening when coming in pushed through under the door an invitation to a party just there in the following week on Fridays. I had admittedly forgotten about the invitation when I came home late from the office again the following Friday. I heard the party noise even before I could see my house. Good idea to invite the neighbors when it gets loud, I thought to myself. I was really tired when I got inside my place, but wouldn’t have been able to sleep right away anyway. I put on something casual and then went downstairs.

[MF] My introduction to Greek love

This one became quite focused on the actual act, but well, that is what it was about for me.

In the summer of my last year at university, I still had to complete a mandatory internship. I went to another city for three months to work in the compliance department of an investment bank for the summer. It was summer, this story I’m about to tell took place before the Lehman bankruptcy, and I had no ambitions to get a contract at the bank. So, all in all, the work didn’t take up too much of my time and I had more than enough time to explore the city, which was foreign to me.

The sister of a friend from university lived there. Through her, I quickly got connected to others as well. Among them was Luisa. Like me, Luisa still went to university. Luisa took life easy. She had a natural optimistic attitude towards life, which she obviously enjoyed to the fullest. Her good humor was contagious. She made no secret of what she wanted and what she liked.

[MF] Reunion with the Bridesmaid

I had too much time between since Christmas to reminisce (yes, quarantine). Be that as it may, I have found that it is quite fun for me to recall details of certain experiences. Writing
them down helped me to do that. Perhaps one or the other has just as much fun reading them.
English is not my native language. So please spare me comments on spelling, grammar and vocabulary.