This happened about 6 years ago around Thanksgiving. I was 23, she was probably 19 or 20. For some context; I was a virgin and had been on the online dating scene for a few years, courtesy of an old college friend. I’d been out on a few dates, but nothing like this. I was raised very traditionally, and while I wanted more than anything to have sex, I struggled for a long time with balancing my desires with my upbringing. This story was the first time I had a chance to actually hook up with a girl. Sexy stuff after the *******
It was a slow Saturday night. I was browsing around and came across a beautiful brunette, I’ll call her Michelle. She had a few cute photos, and I was instantly turned on. I hadn’t had any since early college, so I was a bit nervous. We matched, and had some idle chit chat. We talked about college (she was still in), past relationships, and whether or not we’d had sex before. Told her I was a virgin, she told me she wasn’t. Eventually she asked me, “What are you thinking about?” I replied, “You as my first.” Super. Response.