Culture Shock Vol. 2 (Sci-fi, mind control, aliens, M/M, F/F, M/F, Group, Dubious Consent)


Yumi sighed, sitting alone in the kitchen of the fraternity house. It was the least populated area, folks only coming and going for another beer or a handful of chips and pretzels. 

If nothing else, Yumi was very good at avoiding being noticed. 

Her first plan to leave the party fell through nearly immediately-

Simply take Sasha’s car and go. Her phone had her red headed friend’s address in it, she had the keys, easy. 

Peering out the window though a group of Frat Bros hovered by the vehicles. 

Yumi had hoped they weren’t plotting anything too nefarious, but this was quickly proven wrong as a couple of girls attempted to leave, only to be bunched up by the boys.

Yumi didn’t see quite what happened in that 3 or 4 minute huddle, but when they finally started to disperse the girls were sitting in the dirt, drooling and helping each other strip. 

She considered calling an Uber and maybe sneaking off down the street, but she had gotten lucky with a driver not making her into his girlfriend for the weekend once…

She didn’t really like her odds for that to happen a second time. 

Culture Shock, Vol.1 (sci-fi, mind control, M/M, F/F, Group, Aliens, dubious consent, Free Use)

Yumi looked around the cafe cautiously;

It hadn’t been flying for the first time that set her on edge, but rather the Uber ride here. 

Airports had to be relatively safe places, what with the International ban, but once the foreigner stepped inside the stranger’s vehicle the reality of America had started to sink in. 

Anyone could suddenly hop in. Or maybe the driver thought she looked extra cute (She did, of course; Yumi decorated her slender frame with a skirt that offered ample view of her thighs along with a blouse unbuttoned just enough to tease the image of cleavage)

But no. Safe and sound all the way to her destination.

“Heya Cutie!”

Yumi perked up from her reflecting as she spied the reason she had come here- Sasha. 

Sasha was a much more buxom gal compared to Yumi, among other details; Long, red hair contrasted against the Japanese girl’s pixie cut. A chunky, freckled ass threatened to burst from Sasha’s denim shorts, along with equally ample titties nearly spilling out of her tank top.