Hooking up with my study partner [MF]

It was our third year in college and we have known each other for a while. On our third year we’ve became intense study partners since she changed majors and we have been taking a lot of the same classes. I have always thought she was cute, especially when she teaching some of the stuff that went over my head in our classes. But, I never wanted to make things between us weird or complicated, since we had very difficult classes and worked very well together. Well… that all changed on a night late study night

Lock down was just put into place and the school just closed there campus. So, most of the students went home – including her roommate. We stayed because we so much school work (we overloaded on credits). It was a long day of school, we had quizzes in the morning for one class, an assignment due that day for another, a test in the afternoon for different class and our project that was due the next day, which we haven’t started yet (that was different class too). I usually went to her house to do school work all day since it was a good academic environment. I would pack food and bring all my stuff everyday like I went to school.