[F] The Discovery of my Neighbor’s Hidden High School Diary!!!

Hello again! (Please excuse this post it it isn’t as well written; I’m just coming down off an intense gravity bong high)

So, to catch y’all up: I’m cat-sitting for my neighbors, which has entailed getting super, duper high and snooping through their stuff ?

I’ve already found the daughter’s ruby red dildo and took it for a test drive. Don’t worry, that won’t be the last time for that.

But! While over there today, I made a huge discovery. Buried deep beneath Claire’s bed was her old diary!

PSA: I don’t recommend reading someone else’s diary when you are stoned off a homemade gravity bong. Most of the pages were filled with the saddest of a high school girl. I felt sort of nauseous reading some of it, half from being a bit too high and half because it was so raw and real and, to be honest, poorly written.

However, it did contain a fair amount of sexy little snippets! Those I ended very much. Again, it isn’t very well-written, so it wasn’t like stumbling across high-end erotica. But still, reading some sexual exploits of a neighbor I’ve known most of my life was insanely hot.

How [F]orced cat-sitting led to me “borrowing” my neighbor’s dildo

Although I’d love to have a cat, my mother is allergic. So, when the neighbors were looking for someone to cat-sit while they were away for three weeks, my mother, of course, volunteered me. Without asking. I begrudgingly agreed.

They left late Sunday night, so I went over yesterday to play with the cats. As soon as I turned the key and entered their impressively large house, I made a couple realizations:

– since my neighbors stressed the importance of playing and socializing with the cat to my mom, I could stay there as long as I wanted

– I could smoke weed in their backyard with total privacy!

– I could rifle through their stuff

I know some of y’all will bulk at the last realization, thinking it immoral. You better stop reading now then.

After I smoked a joint in the backyard and played with the cats for a while, I started snooping.

A [F]reshly-packed bong and just about anything I can find sliding in and out of my asshole

I’m out in the middle of nowhere (well, maybe not the middle, more like the edge of nowhere), so what else am I supposed to do but get high and experiment with anal? Well, experiment I did; now I’m basically the Marie Curie of anal masturbation.

To confess: I used to not understand the very idea of anal. It seemed gross and unneeded. Until one night, stoned and alone in my bedroom, big headphones on, watching porn, I fell down an anal porn rabbit hole. I was convinced it was all for show, some weird thing only porn star did to excite confused teen boys.

But as I lazily played with my puffy pink pussy, I thought “why not?” and slide one finger a little lower than normal. I had worked myself up to the point where my pussy was quite creamy, so my wet fingertip against my asshole felt strangely good. It was sensitive and it made me shiver a bit, but I felt a white-hot desire to explore farther. While the woman on my computer screen took a massive cock inside her puckered ass, I pushed lightly against my whole hole. My little asshole seemed greedy for my finger, slowly enveloping it as I pushed further. By this point, I knew I had found something fun ?

Recent high school grad fucks herself silly while escaping from the [F]amily picnic

For those visual inclined folks, I’m a 5’ 1” recent high school graduate with brown hair so dark people usually mistake it for black. With soft, perky 34Bs, I’m envious of my more well-endowed friends. Envious and aroused. I have green eyes, which people call hazel, I’m skinny (thanks to good genes; I live off of candy and buffalo chicken anything), and once a friendly life guard called my face “cute.”

Story: well, it’s a sunny day in unnamed America, and my family decided a picnic was in order. They didn’t know I had been edging all morning, browsing Reddit and working up a nice creamy pussy. Luckily, my dad knocked on my bedroom door, giving me just enough time to extract my fingertip from inside me.

My family loves picnics; I don’t. But I go, despite the heat rising from my wet pussy, despite the images of god pussies and sexy women smoking trees and naughty midnight confessions I had been reading since I woke up floating in my newly-perverted mind. I don’t mind pervert as a put-down. I own it, to myself at least. A little pervert rubbing her clit anywhere she can.

That all-consuming [f]ire: or, the sexual awakening of a queer girl in the backwoods of America

How did it happen? Were these feelings always buried deep inside me?

For years and years, really all my life, sex meant nothing to me. I didn’t fear it, I didn’t crave it, I didn’t seek it out or shun it. My school explained the mechanics, and my parents explained the rest, in idiom, in metaphor, in love. But, it felt as interesting as a game of cricket or a description of a Civil War Battle.

But then, towards the end of my senior year, a switch was flipped. There was no inciting incident, no story, no moment. But, slowly at first, I started seeing my girl friends…differently. I noticed the curve of their legs, from knee to ankle, I noticed their chests and soft eyes, the ringlets in their hair. At night, in bed, I felt my pussy glowing, growing wet and wild, and I couldn’t sleep until I envisioned my friends’ bodies touching mine, writhing and wriggling under my fingertips, their nipples in my mouth, their hands around my neck, their fingers inside me, their soft wet kisses dotting my neck, my thighs, my eager lips.