Cliche. Yes. But she was always attracted to her boss. She even had occasional dreams about fucking him. Acting on this attraction was not an option though. You can’t mix business and pleasure. But, she really wanted to.
He always started the texts asking about work. But things would get flirty. It became clear that he wanted the same thing but he was so cautious with his new leadership role. He would never make a move. It was up to her.
She showed up early for the meeting. She was typically early, but this was, unusually early. The door to the meeting room was propped open. She pushes herself into the door and nudges the doorstop on the way inside. The door slams shut and he quickly looks up from his laptop.
“Hey. I am still setting up”. “You’re here pretty early” he says as he glances at his watch. She smiles.
“I came to see if you needed any help”.
“Not really.” He shrugs. “This is actually all set up. I am just looking busy so I can have a minute to chill.”