Yahoo Chat Room Stories: I [m] got pegged for the first time [f]

Yahoo chat rooms were amazing, especially when I traveled for work. This time happened in New Jersey. Mid week, I was back in my hotel after work, I got on my computer snd trolled the local chat rooms. I met a lady, we hit it off, we chatted, flirted a little and then got into sexual conversations. The anonymity that came with the internet really let your freak flag fly.

We chatted a couple days, webcammed, shared pics, and talked, it eventually turned sexual and I asked her “what’s one thing you’ve always wanted to do, that your boyfriend won’t?” She said she always wanted to peg a guy but never had anyone willing, well I quickly said, I was always willing to try something once (can’t knock it unless you try it).

So I suggested she meet me at my hotel bar, I was in an embassy suites so it wasn’t a prince of shit hotel and other people would be there. She agrees, the next day at work I was completely distracted, I get off work go back to the hotel, get ready and head downstairs at 7, we’re supposed to meet at 7:30…7:45p rolls around and I’m thinking I’m getting stood up, not unexpected, it was an internet meet. I ask for the check and she walks into the hotel bar, I recognize her from her pictures, I call her over. We get a drink and talk and I suggest we go upstairs.

Yahoo Chat Room Stories: the time I [m] fucked a married [f]emale

Oh the good old days of yahoo chat rooms, so just saying that probably dated me, but they were amazing. I got some much strange over the years, this is just one of my stories.

I was in North Carolina for work, mid 20s, Completely bored out of my mind and decided to try the local yahoo chat rooms. I met a lady (hit or miss) and we got to chatting, we shared pics and videos and eventually got on webcam.

After about a week of chatting we decided to meet at a bar for drinks. She brought two friends and I showed up alone, I was young and dumb but it was crowded and I wasn’t worried. We played pool and decided to go back to her friends house, which was good cause one of her friends was being a huge cock block. I offer to drive her and follow her friend. We had been having witty banter throughout the night and I made an off hand comment about getting a blow job ( she was bragging earlier about how good she was), it was one of those comments that if she got offended I would say I was joking.