Running Passions [M32/F32/M22] [Hotwife] [MFM] [Threesome]

This story exceeded the character limit, so the last part I’ll post as a comment.

She eased down the stairs into the darkness, careful to avoid the creak at the top. Kelly was always wary of getting up when it was still dark. She knew in her mind their house was safe and they lived in a safe area, but she was always on guard. She sat on the landing and laced up her running shoes before heading out. The hot humid air of the garage gave way to the cool morning air outside as the heavy door lifted. Kelly stepped out onto drive away and again glanced around in a concerning but unserious manner. She checked her headphones and her Apple watch, leaned back on her calves to get a slight stretch before she stepped off. Everything was good.

The rhythm of her feet striking the ground was muffled under her headphones, but it distracted her nonetheless, reminding her of every step she was taking. She was nearly 9 months postpartum from her and her husband Zach’s second child, but from the looks of it, you couldn’t tell that she had ever been pregnant. Kelly had worked hard to get back into shape, her abs were showing again, arms and legs were looking great, but her feet still felt slightly heavy on occasion. She was working to get back into shape for a fall marathon.

Running Passions [MFM] [Hotwife]

This story exceeded the character limit, so the last part I’ll post as a comment. Wrote this for my wife, so it’s kind of catered to women. Hope you enjoy!

She eased down the stairs into the darkness, careful to avoid the creak at the top. Kelly was always wary of getting up when it was still dark. She knew in her mind their house was safe and they lived in a safe area, but she was always on guard. She sat on the landing and laced up her running shoes before heading out. The hot humid air of the garage gave way to the cool morning air outside as the heavy door lifted. Kelly stepped out onto drive away and again glanced around in a concerning but unserious manner. She checked her headphones and her Apple watch, leaned back on her calves to get a slight stretch before she stepped off. Everything was good.