Making my [FFM] fantasy come true (LONG)

I had a friend in high school. We were very close – spent almost 100% of our time together outside of school.

I spent most weekends at her house – she had no curfew and very hands-off parents, so we could do pretty much whatever we wanted – we would go out, meet guys, party with them and creep back into her house in the early hours of the morning. We always slept together in her bed. We were both fairly promiscuous, horny teenagers and we both slept around quite a lot now that I look back on it. All in all I had sex with maybe fifteen guys – messed around with even more – when I was in high school. So did she, give or take. We’d be at parties and sometimes she would go off and fuck someone, sometimes I would, and one tme we even fucked a pair of friends in the same room. But it wasn’t a group thing, it was more just two very horny teenagers who are politely ignoring the fact that other sex was happening in the room at the same time. Still… it got me off that that I could hear her.