The Magic of a 3XL Hoodie: Part 5 [FF, height difference, huge boobs, fisting]

“Okay. We’re going to do this. It might seem extreme to you, but it’s really not,” I said, trying to reassure her, “Don’t worry, just follow my lead. Don’t talk, just feel. Trust me.”
“I trust you, Lorrie. What are we doing?”
I shushed her and held her lubricated arm firmly, one hand around her wrist, the other hand gripping her elbow. I pulled her hand toward my pussy. Her fingers tickled me as they passed between my fat pussy lips, and she started reaching for my clit. I took her hand in mine, rolled her fingers into a fist, and before she even had a choice, I put that little balled-up fist right in my pussy. She was speechless and her eyes were wide with alarm, but she didn’t protest. Either way, I was not about to relinquish control now that I had what I wanted. I didn’t give her a chance to hesitate, I pulled her forearm into me up to the elbow and started grinding my clit against her bicep. I felt her hand stir deep within me, and I shuddered with the visceral thrill of being penetrated by something better than any phallus, real or rubber.
“Oh, Dina!” I moaned.
“Doesn’t this hurt?” she asked, stage whispering for some reason.
“No honey, it feels like… I feel *you*. I feel you so deep in me, I love it, I want you so bad, please fuck me like it’s your job, fuck me hard! Tickle my guts while you pump my pussy! I’m probably going to make some crazy noises, just ignore it and keep going.”
That was all she needed to hear, her eyes went from afraid to determined. She moved her knees so she was straddling my leg, then leaned forward, leaning on my soft belly with her free arm. Once she was in position, she went to work, and I mean *work*, bitch! Her arm became a battering ram laying siege to my needy pussy, her tense bicep bumping hard against my swollen clit while her hand wriggled around inside me. I don’t know what to compare it to that doesn’t sound horrifying, but trust me, it was the most intense sexual pleasure I had ever felt (at the time anyway). I hugged the pillow to my face with both arms and howled into it over and over, completely losing control of my voice. My faithful little fuck machine didn’t slow down for a second, it was like she was stuffing me full of ecstasy, packing in more with each earth-shaking thrust. It didn’t take long for it to build up to the breaking point.
“I’m gonna fucking cum, Dina!” I said in a moment of clarity, as I once again found myself at the precipice of orgasm, “When I say ‘now,’ pull out, okay? I’m gonna cummmm!” I sounded like some plastic moron from a porn video, but I didn’t care, this was for real.
“I will,” she said, sounding almost devout.
Hearing that was all it took. I shouted “Now!” not caring if my neighbors heard or anyone else. As the muscles in my abdomen and pelvis tensed, she quickly withdrew her arm. I tossed the pillow off of me, paying no attention to where it went, then compulsively splayed my legs as wide as I could, like I was going to deliver this orgasm like a baby. I held my thick soft pussy lips apart with one hand and went to town on my clit with the other, fingers splayed, thrashing back and forth with abandon. I was so lost in the sauce I have no idea where I was looking, if I was moaning, or what kind of crazy face I was making. Finally, the floodgates opened and I was completely consumed. I felt like I was burning with strange fire, my skin felt hot but I was covered in goosebumps. Streams of crackling electricity coursed up my arms and legs and into my chest. I think I was still rubbing my clit like no tomorrow, but I was no longer aware of it or any of my surroundings. The ringing in my ears drowned out all sound, and my eyes saw nothing but slowly churning grey stars. I had been holding my breath and my lungs were burning urgently, but my orgasm still wasn’t over. I was dimly aware that my legs were kicking and my back was arched, but it didn’t feel like my body, it felt more like an afterimage or a dim reflection (seen through a glass darkly, maybe?). As the storm subsided, I finally let out my breath and inhaled deeply, but that gave me such a strong head rush that I immediately fainted, and my body went slack on the bed. In a couple of seconds my sight returned, slowly opening up from a narrow tunnel to full field of vision, and I could hear Dina calling my name before I felt her hand smacking my face, trying to wake me up.
“What the fuck, Lorrie?! I thought you died! What happened? Are you okay? Should I call for help?” she asked, still terrified.
“No, I’m fine!” I said, putting my arms around her and bringing her close to me. “I just came really hard because you fucked me so good, and then I got a head rush and passed out for a second.”
“Oh!” she said, sitting up abruptly, “I was afraid I gave you an internal hemorrhage or something, I thought I killed you!”
“Nah, if you want to kill me, it’s going to take more than a good fucking, sweetheart.”
“Must have been pretty good to make you pee yourself like that.”
This was news to me.
“What?” I asked, mortified yet again.
“While you were cumming you peed a little bit. See, look,” she said, pointing to a wet spot on the sheet starting at my pussy and extending down the bed. You could see the outline where it had splashed on her leg and dripped down the side of her knee.
“Oh… um, I don’t think that’s pee, I think I actually squirted.”
This was a new development. Since then, I have squirted many times, with and without intending to, but this was the first time in my life that I had squirted enough to notice.
“Squirted? Is that what you call it when you cum so hard you pee?”
“No, squirt, like female ejaculation.”
There was zero recognition in Dina’s eyes.
“Forget it,” I said, trying to sound casual.
She seemed perfectly happy to forget it. Considering this and the other unusual things she had said, I was beginning to understand some things about her. As before, I decided not to push the subject in case it would make her uncomfortable. We both drank some more water, and I sipped a little bit of wine before settling back down on my bed.
She lay on top of me again, and we kissed some more, gently, and I squeezed handfuls of her ass while she jostled my boob with one hand and snaked the other hand down between us until it found my pussy. She felt up my puffy outer lips and jiggled my chubby mons, which felt delicious. Soon, she shifted her focus to my boobs yet again, pushing them together so she could bury her face in their softness, sucking on great big mouthfuls of my smooth warm breasts, whether her wide open mouth encircled a nipple or not. While she nuzzled and suckled me sweetly, her pelvis was beginning to move rhythmically, grinding her vulva against the front of my hip. As I played with her gossamer blond locks, I enjoyed the sensation of her slippery labia parting and the heat of her wet pussy rubbing against me while contented slurping noises issued from deep in the canyon between my giant boobs which almost entirely concealed her head. My own pussy began to wake up again in response, and I could feel the juices collecting at he entrance to my tired and sore vagina.
“Hey Dina…”
“Do you want to trib?” As soon as I said it, I realized I shouldn’t have. This was almost certainly another term she didn’t know.
“What’s that?” she asked eagerly. I knew it.
“I like how you’re grinding on me, can we change positions so you’re riding my pussy with yours?”
Her body froze for a moment, like she had just realized she forgot something important, but her uneasy face relaxed just as quickly.
“Ooh, that sounds hot!” she said, doing her best to sound ‘into it.’
I knew she wanted it, so I brought one foot up so that my knee was up in the air, and she put her arms around it as she straddled it and sat down on me, our pussies smooshed together. The difference in size between our bodies meant that this was probably the best position for us. More evenly-matched women can do the other classic scissoring poses, but for us it was best if she just rode me like a thoroughbred while I did sexy starfish. I grabbed the lube bottle from the table and she raised herself up slightly so I could deliver a generous squeeze on both our vulvae.
Dina lowered herself back down and began to gyrate her hips, not enough to make our pussies slip and slide against one another, but enough for her lips to rub and massage mine. I moaned softly, smiled, and started put on a show for her with my boobs again. When she caught sight of what I was doing, she changed her position so she was still in the same spot, but didn’t have to turn her head as far. She got back on the grind, and I kept her entertained by bouncing, hefting, nuzzling, and kissing my boobs, and sucking on my nipples, stopping only to twist and flick them to keep them as big and erect as possible. My display was definitely having the intended effect, because I could tell from her movements that she was getting more and more aroused. She reached down with one hand to spread my big fat pussy lips apart and reveal the dark pink walls of the deep rift which held my clitoris at its bottom. Her own clit, usually exposed anyway, was fully revealed by her spread labia, which were pulled apart by her spread legs. Dina carefully maneuvered her clit down until it found mine, and then she began to lazily swirl them together so that they circled each other like a couple dancing cheek to cheek. It felt so good it made me want to talk dirty.
“Fuck, Dina, you do me good so much,” I said, too tired and horny to make sense.
“Your pussy feels so good, Lorrie, it’s like you’re sucking my clit with your cooch. The inside of your lips are so smooth, this must be what fucking feels like if you have a dick.”
“Well, if you ever grow a dick, just remember you always got a place to plant it right here.”
“No, I just want to do this and suck your big titties and feel your fingers in me again, Lorrie, that’s all.”
“You do whatever you want, I just love watching you lose yourself in my boobs when you’re not fist fucking me into another dimension.”
This must have struck a chord, because Dina moaned deeply and pressed herself against me even harder. With her head back, she continued moaning softly while her hips shook, causing our clits to bounce against one another rapidly. It felt really good, and while I was unlikely to cum this way, I decided to see if I could send her further toward climax with some more choice words.
“Keep fucking me Dina, I want to feel your pussy squeeze when you cum. You’re going to cum, right? I want to feel the orgasm go through your body.”
She was in no position to respond, she was so close she was nonverbal, and her careful clit kisses had deteriorated into uncoordinated bouncing. I kept up the banter.
“That feels so good, I want to see you cum, I want you to cum all over my big wet pussy! Cum all over me, Dina! Rub your clit all over my pussy, fuck me! You sexy little minx, I want you to ride me so hard you can’t help but cum your brains out…” That was all it took.
“I’m cumminggggggggggg! Fuuuuuuuck, ohhh, *cumming*, ah!”
Dina said something else after that, but it was complete gibberish. When her body began to flail, I simply raised my other leg and squeezed her between my thighs, straining to feel the sensation of her vagina and asshole spasming against the base of my leg. She was emitting the kind of noises weightlifters make, and her face was a matching rictus of exertion. Fascinated, I watched as she was gripped by the intense orgasm, her limbs waving and kicking involuntarily, then wrapping around my folded leg and squeezing it so tight I was afraid she would strain my knee. Her pelvis was still bucking, still rubbing against my pussy, and I could feel her juice dripping slowly down my leg onto my ass. Instead of trailing off, the tension in her arms, legs, and back vanished abruptly. She stopped rocking her hips like Elvis, and her hold on my leg eased.
Without releasing her from her confinement between my chubby thighs, I leaned her toward me and gently parted my knees to deposit her onto my chest so that she could enjoy the comfort of my boobs once more. She was still catching her breath, and she fumbled weakly with the nipple in front of her face before closing her eyes and relaxing her body completely. I kissed her head and rubbed her back, and she drew her knees up in front of her, lying on top of me in the fetal position, resting her head on my left breast. ‘I swear, if she starts sucking her thumb…’ I thought to myself.
She looked so cute curled up like that, I cried a little bit. I lay still, not wanting to break the spell, for as long as I could, but after a few minutes I was starting to get cold and Dina’s weight on my abdomen was really pressing on my bladder. She was already asleep by this point, so I tried to be as gentle as possible as I extricated myself from under her and covered her with a blanket. I put on the bathrobe and some flip-flops, turned out the lights, and went to the bathroom.
When I got back, Dina had made herself more comfortable, gotten under the covers properly, and found the pillow. She was lying curled up, her knees almost over the side of the bed. Behind her was an empty spot exactly my size. I took off the robe and sandals and climbed in behind her. I reached over her, and with my hand in the middle of her chest, I pulled her toward me until her ass was in my lap, her hair was tickling my nose, and my boobs and belly were pressed against her back. She was obviously awake, but neither of us spoke. We didn’t need to. I listened to her breathing while I thought about our incredible evening together, and after a moment she was fast asleep again. I dozed off soon after, and had strange dreams while the sour wine burned its way through my gut.

The Magic of a 3XL Hoodie: Part 4 [FF, height difference, huge boobs]

I sat up and had a sip of water, then I pulled my sex box out from under my bed. I got out my medium-sized toy, slightly bigger than average dick size, knowing that in Dina’s hands it would look gigantic. She started cracking up as soon as she saw it. Rolling laughing. I laughed too, but only because I was trying to hide how embarrassed I was.
“This is my first time actually seeing a dildo, and this one looks so big!” she said through a slew of giggles.
“Wait, you’ve seriously never seen a dildo before? How? Did you live somewhere really remote? Were your parents religious weirdos?”
“It just never happened.”
“Oh… okay.”
I did not want to get into whatever that was right now, and apparently neither did she, because she grabbed the toy and hefted it. After all that, it didn’t actually look that much bigger when she was holding it. I didn’t care. I just wanted her to use it on me. We lubed it up together with our hands, and I assumed The Position: on my back, legs up and apart, hands grasping backs of knees. Dina squared up to put it in, but stopped before she actually touched me with it.
“Wait, I want to make sure I’m doing this right. I mean, the way you want me to. Or how you… you know what I mean.”
“Rub the end of it against my clit, then push it against the entrance of my vaj and wiggle it. Make my fat pussy lips shake.” I felt like I was ordering a la carte at the sex cafe.
She did as she was told, and I held my chubby labia wide open for her so she could see every part of me. The smooth tip of the toy felt great against my already throbbing clit, and after a minute she moved it down to start massaging the opening of my pussy. It felt amazing and it was making me even wetter.
“Okay Dina, now push it into me slowly, and keep pushing it in until I say ‘stop,’ then pull it out just as slow. We’ll do that a few times until I get loosened up.”
I held my head up to watch as the end of the toy entered me and sank deeper inside. I told her to stop and back out after it was only a few inches in, then with each successive stroke, I took another inch, another two, another inch, another half, until I could feel the base pushing against me as she inserted it all the way. I let go of my legs and let them dangle over the sides of the bed. I beckoned to her, and when she crawled toward me I pulled her close and whispered into her ear.
“Are you ready to fuck me the way I like it?”
“I’ll do everything you say, Lorrie,” she said, almost whimpering, holding her cheek against mine.
“Okay. I’m ready. I want you to fuck me now. Don’t slam it in, use long strokes, and keep it moving. Don’t stop.”
“I won’t, Lorrie. I’ll do it the way you like.”
I couldn’t believe how lucky I was. I had an eager and willing sex slave in my bed, devoted to my pleasure, ready to serve me any way she could. I put my arms behind my head and grinned, knowing that I was about to be truly, madly, deeply railed by the playful pixie crouched between my thighs. I grinned even more when I thought of what I still had in store for her.
Dina was a quick learner, and for someone who had only seen a dildo for the first time a few minutes before, she worked it like a champ. I told her to go a little faster, then a tiny bit faster again, until the pleasure started growing inside me like heat. I squirmed and writhed and caressed my body while she pumped the full length of the toy in and out of me. I took hold of my nipples, pinching and twisting them until they stood at attention. I flicked them hard, then put the left one in my mouth and gave it a firm bite that made my back arch involuntarily. She was loving the show I was putting on with my boobs, so I hammed it up. I squeezed them, yanked them back and forth by the nipples, pushed them together hard so that they stood up above my chest, sucked my nipples one at a time, and rubbed them against my chin, lips, and cheeks, motorboating myself and loving every second of it. Did I mention that I really quite like having incredibly huge boobs? Well, I do.
Dina was starting to work up a sweat, and she had already figured out how to switch the arm she was using to hold the toy without any interruption in stroke. She had been drilling me steadily for a while, and it was time to take things up a level, and to give her a well-deserved rest.
“Take a break, honey. You’re doing great. That feels fucking amazing.”
“Are you close?”`
“Yeah, don’t worry. There’s something else we can do that will get me over the edge.”
“What is it? I’ll do whatever you want,” she begged.
“Shh, relax honey, have some water, rest for a minute.”
“I can keep going!”
“I know, but I want you to take it easy, there’s no rush. Now watch this…”
I stuck the toy all the way into my pussy and tried to make it pop out by pushing with my abs and pelvic muscles at the same time. It didn’t pop out. It just sort of fell out in slow motion. I could have sworn I really made it shoot out before, but maybe I just imagined it. Poor Dina was still watching intently, waiting for some kind of spectacle. I was mortified.
“Uh, haha, actually never mind, false alarm.”
I was smiling nervously, but I was dying of embarrassment inside. I tried to push through it. Dina and I drank some more water, and took turns going down to the bathroom in my terrycloth robe. Once we were both refreshed, I put the medium-sized toy aside to clean later, and took out my magic wand and my larger dildo from my sex box. Dina lubed up the toy, and I attempted to untangle the jumble of cords hanging down behind my side table, hunting for an available receptacle to plug in the wand. I finally got it hooked up after unplugging something else, making sure it wasn’t my alarm clock. Straightening up, I saw that the face of said clock was blank and dark. Typical. Dina was having a great time waving the big dildo around, shaking it by the base to make different standing wave patterns in the soft rubber, putting it over her shoulder and aiming it at me like a bazooka.
“Can you really fit this whole thing?”
“No, it’s too long. I can get almost all of it in, but my pussy just isn’t that deep. It’s probably meant for anal, but that’s not my bag, baby. I’ll hold the wand, you fuck my hole. I’m going to cum from this guaranteed.”
“Nice, I can’t wait to hear what you sound like.”
“I get kind of loud actually…”
“Ooh, I like loud.”
She rubbed the tip of the toy around the opening of my vagina before slipping it in slowly, watching my face while she advanced it deeper and deeper inside me, so she could tell exactly where my limit was. Once she knew how deep to go, she went to work running the big rubber cock in and out, satisfying my craving for serious penetration. I started the wand on low and held it tightly against my clit with one hand while I hunted with the other for a blanket or piece of clothing to hold against my face when I came. Finding nothing, I snatched the pillow from under my head and put it over my mouth and nose. I was getting close, I could feel it building inside me, getting ready to explode.
“Keep going just like that. I’m gonna cum, keep fucking me just like that, just like that,” I kept repeating.
Dina was ramming the toy into my pussy with just the right speed, angle, and depth that I liked. Without warning, she added a twisting motion. I didn’t see it coming, and it felt fantastic. In three more pumps I came like Krakatoa. I pressed the pillow hard against my face and screamed my ecstasy at the top of my lungs. Glowing waves of effervescent pleasure crashed across my body. I squeezed the sides of the mattress with my legs, arching my hips and back until my ass cheeks were hovering a couple of inches above the sheets, quivering as my muscles clenched and shook while the incredible orgasm surged through me. Dina was having trouble keeping her movements consistent because of how I was flopping around, and because my pussy was clenched so tight around the shaft of the toy.
Once the feeling started to subside, I stilled her hands and dragged her body on top of mine once more, leaving the dildo hanging half out of my pussy. Holding her in my arms, I rocked her gently and buried my face in her neck, no longer able to distinguish her scent from mine. I kissed the sweat off her forehead, and put my mouth by her ear, whispering how good I felt and thanking her for it. I was so shaken up that I cried a little bit, my tears of joy soaking into her hair. After a moment, I regained my composure, and my heart raced as I thought about the way she was going to give me my second orgasm.
“I want you to do something for me that no one has ever done before.”
I knew this would excite her because she was so eager to please me, and she certainly wasn’t going to pass up the opportunity to help me on my way to a new sexual milestone. I was giddy with excitement. I sat her up between my legs where she was before, and I grabbed the lube. I put a generous amount on my hands and rubbed them together, then motioned for her to hold out her hand. I coated her hand and forearm up to her elbow. So far she didn’t seem to comprehend what was about to happen. I closed the cap of the lube bottle and sat on the bed facing Dina, holding her petite hands in mine…

The Magic of a 3XL Hoodie: Part 3 [FF, height difference, huge boobs]

I crawled onto the foot of the bed and made my way toward Dina. While I did so I watched with pleasure as Dina’s mind was once again blown by the sight of my boobs hanging down while I was on my hands and knees. I gave her just what she wanted. I straightened up when my knees were straddling her hips, and then slowly bent forward, letting my boobs hang over her face, then slowly bury it in warm softness. She tried to catch my nipples with her mouth as they were sinking lower, but her aim was terrible. She was so ecstatic it didn’t matter. She was in heaven, rubbing my boobs all over her face and kissing and sucking them. Her arms were barely big enough to get around them, but she made it work just fine. We played this way for a while, her fascination showing no signs of wearing off. She loved the way it looked when she pushed my boobs up against my chest. Her hand would sink into my breast up to the wrist when she held it up, and she loved the star pattern her hands made on my areolas as they squished between her fingers. I don’t know how long she lay there bench pressing my boobs, but it was kind of a long time, and after a while my elbows were killing me. I sat up to rest my arms, Dina took another rip on her pen, and we shared a cup of water.
I hopped off the bed to take off my own crotch-stained pants and panties, then used our sweat towel from before to wipe off the remaining pussy juice between my legs. I reached under the bed and snagged a bottle of lube from my sex box before getting back on the bed with Dina. Shit was about to get sapphic.
I lay beside her and she immediately rolled on top of me and began an earnest campaign of nipple sucking. While she was working on my right boob, I pushed my left one up to my face so I could join the fun. When she saw me put my nipple into my mouth and start sucking, her jaw dropped and the nipple she had in her mouth fell out.
“Get out!” she said, a little too loudly. “You can suck your own nipples? No fucking way, that’s insane!”
“Yup, that’s my other party trick. Well, actually, this is.”
I grabbed my nipples and put both of them in my mouth at once. (I used to be able to hold up my boobs with my mouth this way, but they grew too big for that the year before) This novel display elicited a very stoned-sounding cheer of approval from Dina, and she began laughing.
“What’s so funny?”
“It’s not even funny, I don’t know why I’m laughing, I’m just so fucking blown away by your body, I kind of can’t believe this is real.”
“It’s fucking real alright,” I said, putting her hand between my legs. “I want you, Dina. I want you on me and in me.”
Dina turned her head to the side sharply and stayed that way for a moment, then turned back, smiling.
“Sorry, I thought I had to sneeze.”
She may have, but whatever the reason was, there were real tears in her eyes. I wasn’t imagining it this time.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” I asked, kind of worried.
“Yeah, it’s just allergies.”
“In March?”
“Indoor allergies.”
I knew better than to keep prying, and she knew better than to leave any silence after a phony-sounding answer like that. She held out her cupped hand and said “lube me.” I delivered a generous squirt of liquid into her palm, and she immediately splashed it all over my boobs. I should have seen that coming. As you can imagine, she went to work, making sure that every inch of my chest got slathered with slippery lube and having a great time picking up one boob at a time and letting it slip through her hands. I put some lube on my hand and put it on her pussy. She stopped moving as if she’d been shocked, then I ran my fingers up her slit and she melted into my arms like caramel.
I like to think that my hand game is pretty good. Obviously I know what I like, but I also learned a lot from a woman I fooled around with years before. I put that knowledge into action on Dina’s hot wet pussy. I found out which of The Six Styles of clit stroking she liked the best, and then made variations on that. It was only a few minutes before she was moaning and bucking so hard I almost had trouble holding her down. I could have let her flail, there was nothing fragile nearby, but I got a domme-y kind of pleasure from restraining her just with my hands. I had handcuffs in my sex box, but I didn’t want to use them with Dina.
After I’d gotten her off once that way, I felt emboldened to put my middle finger in her hole. There was a glistening trail of grool dripping out of it, and I gathered some on my finger before gently penetrating first her labia, then the opening of her vagina, then the inside. I watched Dina’s face to gauge her reaction, and she seemed to like it, so I started fucking her gently with my finger, then stroking her g spot. This didn’t seem to get any better response than the ordinary fingerblasting, so I went back to that, added another finger, and began rubbing her clit with my thumb at the same time. That got the kind of feedback I was looking for, so I kept it up, made sure the tempo was even, and that everything was as consistent as possible. That simple combo had Dina quaking like it was an exorcism in under a minute, she was already so close to cumming again. I kept going until I felt her pussy clench on my fingers a couple more times, then I let her off the hook.
Dina was panting, trying to catch her breath, laughing softly, and running her hands though my hair. I was kind of hoping she would push my head down onto her clit, but she didn’t. I took the lead again, wrapped my arms around her thighs, and pushed my face between them, savoring the scent of her sex before covering it completely with my wide open mouth. After lapping up the grool that had accumulated at the bottom of her pussy and slathering it all over her clit, I had to break away and share it with her, it tasted so good. I crawled forward and put my mouth on hers, letting her taste her own juice. We kissed gently, our bruised lips still sore from our first kiss. She loved it. She was having trouble puckering her lips to make out because she was smiling too much.
I went back down on her, holding her thighs against my head as I toyed with her clit, sucking it, stroking it with my lips, then beginning to massage it with the smooth underside of my tongue. I slipped my fingers back in her vagina so I could tickle her from the inside while I began licking her in earnest. She ran her hands through my hair, stopping now and then to grab handfuls and pull gently. It felt delicious. She was moaning more now too, begging me to make her cum again and repeating my name, making my own pussy tingle in response to her affection. Hearing her say my name like that was stimulating me more than anything in my fantasies had, I never thought about how good it would feel to hear her express her appreciation for the pleasure I gave her. I felt like like a sex goddess, bestowing orgasms on this fair maiden so that she would worship me even more.
I already talked up my hand game, my mouth game is pretty strong too. My previous experience had taught me to stay away from gimmicks like writing the alphabet, or trying to make as much noise with my tongue as possible, and to stick with the basics of steady rhythm with a little bit of suction. Dina’s pussy convulsed over and over again while I licked her clit and finger fucked her at the same time. Her juice ran down the back of my hand and smeared onto my sheets. By the time my tongue was too sore to continue, she was like a wet noodle and my two fingers were all pruny.
By this time I was getting antsy for a little action myself, so I wriggled up on top of her again, making sure to rub my boobs all over her along the way. I smiled, picked up my left one, and set it under her chin, then rolled it up onto her face so that my nipple stuck right in her mouth. She began suckling eagerly, her eyes darting from mine to the enormous boob covering her face like a snowdrift and back again. Letting her continue, I leaned in so that my mouth was brushing her ear, and kissed the lobe, sucking on it gently. I licked the outside of her auricle and gave her the warmest wettest willy of all time with my tongue.
“I want you to make me cum too, Dina,” I breathed into her ear.
“Switch places” she said bluntly.
I did as I was told and lay on the bed. She climbed on top and straddled my right leg, grinding against my inner thigh. Then she put her head between my boobs again, pushing them together, smothering herself in my big soft breasts. I hoped she didn’t think this was going to make me cum, because she hadn’t so much as touched my pussy yet, and that was definitely going to be necessary. I like having my boobs played with, but I can’t actually get off on it the way some women apparently can.
“Um, honey?” I said, gently tapping the small patch of Dina’s head that was visible between my boobs, “That’s not gonna do it.”
“What?” she said, like a diver coming up for air.
“I said that’s not going to do it, I’m going to need you to…”
“I know, I was just getting another titty fix before I go to work, don’t worry.”
I felt her hand go between my legs and closed my eyes, wanting to focus on the sensation. First she cupped my fat pussy in her hand, gently squeezing the puffy lips like she was trying to determine the ripeness of an exotic fruit. Then her fingers passed between them and touched the hot slippery inside. She stroked with an upward motion a few times, then felt for my clit. Once her fingers found it, she started to rub it lightly with a circular movement, stirring me up and making my body involuntarily push harder against her hand. In response, Dina used a little more pressure and quickened the tempo slightly. It was nice, but it wasn’t what I was craving.

The Magic of a 3XL Hoodie: Part 2 [FF, height difference, huge boobs]

“Watch this,” I said, standing up and walking over to my bed. “One of my party tricks.” I got on the bed and lay back, boxing in my boobs between my folded arms. Giggling a little bit, I began to bounce rhythmically so that they started sloshing and undulating with cylindrical harmonics. Dina watched all of this with rapt attention, and then, unable to resist, she reached out to encircle the boob closest to her with both arms. Her tiny hands made it look even larger than it was, and carefully picking up my breast like it was a sleeping goose, she lifted it, leaned forward, and sunk her whole face into it up to her ears as if it was a wash basin. She stood there beside the bed, immersed in my body, whimpering softly and sucking my nipple like her life depended on it.
Being worshiped like this sent my lust-addled brain in flying loops of horny satisfaction. The damp spot on my jeans had grown to the size of a dessert plate, and I could feel the sticky fabric clinging to my inner thighs. I waited until she came up for breath again, and then with my hands under her arms, I dragged her bodily up onto the bed, setting her on top of me so that we were face to face.
Sensations came at me all at once. Seeing her gray-blue eyes up close, seeing how she hadn’t plucked her eyebrows to nothing like I assumed, she just didn’t have any. Feeling her soft locks falling against my forehead, light as spider silk. Feeling her chest rise and fall between my hands as I held her, her open lips quivering with each breath. Barely being able to make out her heartbeat above the crashing thunder of my own. Smelling her sandalwood shampoo mingled with the sweet smell of her skin and the intoxicating musk of her sweat. Feeling her hot wine-soaked breath warming my lips and tickling my nose. Feeling her sharp elbows pushing against my forearms and her tiny precious hands gripping my tensed biceps.
She whimpered in surrender as her desire finally overcame all inhibition, and she plunged downward, putting her open mouth tight against mine. What followed was the most torrid, impassioned kiss I have ever experienced in my life to this day. Usually when I kiss, I tease my partner by waiting a minute before my tongue comes out to play, but there was no time for that. Our bodies were screaming for each other and we made out like wild animals. She reached under my head, grabbing a fistful of my hair, squeezing just enough so that she tugged at my roots sensually without pulling too hard. In return, I grasped her head firmly with both hands, taking control and steering her mouth where I wanted it, first lazily sucking on her lips, then playfully biting her chin, her earlobes, then right back to kissing ferociously. I literally saw her eyes roll back a couple of times like a shark while I manhandled her head to the side, kissing her neck and nipping playfully at her jaw. Regrettably, some hickies were made, but in the moment, I was possessed. Seeing the fresh bright purple marks sent me into a state I had never felt before, I’m pretty sure my own eyes rolled back once or twice as I kissed her savagely, compelled by some mid-brain imperative to dig deep in her mouth with my tongue. She responded in turn, our wet tongues wrestling for dominance like a couple of angry pythons.
We both had to stop a few minutes later. We lay embracing each other, panting and laughing. For a second I thought it looked like Dina was crying a little bit too, but I second-guessed myself and closed my eyes for a moment, rubbing her back and giggling some more. As you can guess, our mouths were trashed after that berzerk kissing frenzy. Our tongues were raw and sensitive, and both of us had cracked lips. It was nuts, we really really overdid it.
We both drank some water and put on some lip balm. Dina took another rip on her pen, and I followed her lead, hitting my own a couple times. Feeling guilty about how I had marked her up, I rubbed some arnica oil on the hickies on her neck to try to make them fade faster. Unfortunately, a couple of them were decidedly above-collar. I really wasn’t thinking. We both shared a towel to wipe the perspiration from our bodies where we had been pressed together. She watched hungrily as I grabbed my breasts one by one to lift them up and wipe underneath them, taking a big handful of areola and gripping it so I could yank each heavy boob up high enough to towel off properly. I tossed the used towel over toward my laundry pile, but Dina caught it midair (which impressed me, considering how fucked up we were). She found the part I had used to dry my chest, and looking me in the eye, she brought it to her face, inhaling deeply. On one level I was kind of grossed out because I hate the smell of boobsweat, but even more than that I was aroused by how she was not only getting off on my body, but even my lingering scent was exciting her sexually.
Again, I was electrified by the feeling of being worshiped, knowing that just by taking my top off, I had completely seduced this fiery little nymph. It all came down to my own attractiveness, which was at least partially due to my huge boobs. They are a real pain in the ass a lot of the time, no question, but the fact that they could demolish the modesty of this young woman, modesty built up over her whole life? Knowing that was better than drugs. Maybe even better than sex. Guys are dumb, you show a little skin and acknowledge their presence a couple of times and they’re in love with you, but to instantly turn a woman gay? That is serious fucking power. I imagined owning people and controlling their lives, like a dealer stringing along desperate addicts, but it wasn’t drugs they would be craving, it would be me. I sat jouncing my boobs in my hands, enjoying the familiar sensation of their weight while also savoring the knowledge that I could use them to hypnotize people as easy as jacklighting frogs. I felt like a smug evil wizard from a Ralph Bakshi movie, or maybe Skeletor again. Skeletor with an unbelievable rack.
Dina was once again gaping at my chest while I hefted my boobs idly. She was entranced, unconsciously making a dopey face as she drank them in with her eyes, it was kind of cute. She wasn’t visibly drooling, but she was swallowing pretty regularly. As I looked at her, I started to wonder what she really thought about our study session’s hard left into full contact girl-on-girl foreplay. She was so focused on my boobs that she didn’t even notice I was watching her. I kept watching her hypnotized face for a while, and then asked her softly, “Have you been having as much fun as me?” The spell broken, her eyes snapped up to meet mine with a look of total conviction. I couldn’t hear her barely-whispered answer, but I saw her lips say “more.”
That was about what I had expected her to say. I got off the bed, then I picked up Dina and put her down on the bed with her head on the pillow, right where I lay before. She didn’t say a word, she just looked at me like a cultist looks at their leader, I swear, it was puppydog-cute. Holding her and seeing the desire in her eyes was a total turn-on. Moving to the end of the bed, I peeled her socks off first, then I pulled down her leggings and underwear and slipped them off. Her bush wasn’t very substantial, just a barely brown blur above her outie pussy. Copying her move from earlier, I locked eyes with her before taking a deep sniff where her juice had soaked through the crotch of the leggings. I was hoping it would get her going, but my little performance didn’t seem to faze her at all. Maybe she didn’t think much of that, but I swore that she was going to enjoy what I did next.