[M]y Snapchat [F]riend

I sit, phone in hand, browsing Reddit when the notification pops up. New Snapchat from Erin.

“Wanna play? ?”

“When have I ever said no?”

So many times we’ve done this, and each time as hot as the last. Erin and I had known each other for two years, after meeting when I posted a plea for new “friends” to a NSFW Snapchat subreddit. Our snaps had been as you’d expect for two people who met there – for a while – and then we settled into a comfortable friendship, talking every day about mundane things like work and building up impressive streaks by sending each other pictures of our lunch – as is the tradition.

Suddenly, things had gone back to the way they were…

New snap from Erin. Red this time. I open it and a picture of her incredible tits – still covered by a bra – fills my screen. I respond with a picture of the bulge starting to strain against my jeans.

“We’ll both be happier if you let him out”, she says, following it up with a short clip of her bra falling away, exposing her chest for me to see. I feel myself twitch as the bra falls out of shot and her tits fill (and I mean fill) the screen.

[MF] How the zombie apocalypse went from blowing off heads to blowing me upstairs

“Oh *for fuck’s sake*!”

I looked up from my e-reader at the green tinged TV screen displaying “You Died”, then across to my girlfriend. Her face was half covered by our VR headset, with the visible half contorted in rage. It wasn’t the first time she’d seen that screen tonight – or on this part of the game. The zombie apocalypse had bested her once again.

I chuckled just loud enough for her to hear.

“It’s not fucking funny.” She lifted the headset onto her forehead and glared at me.

“I’m sorry, but it is” I replied, the amusement on my face obvious in my broadening grin.

“Can you do this bit for me? *Pleeeeeeeease.*”

She pulled her best puppy dog face, and I had an idea. I was owed for a previous favour and this felt like a good time to try and call that in.

“I’ll do it….”

“Thank you!”

“….if you blow me when we get upstairs. And no delaying like last time. I want immediate payment.”

The happy drained from her voice.

“Seriously? I don’t have to swallow, do I….?”

Best lunch break ever [MF]

A story of something which happened about an hour ago.

This week, I’ve been working from home. I wanted to see if I had the discipline to actually pull it off when I’ve got a new set of distractions (instead of office chatter and the cute girl at the company across the floor) to try and cope with. Initial results have been positive.

Yesterday, our oldest was at school and our youngest was sleeping. Suddenly, I had a distraction I couldn’t fight off. My girlfriend was all over me, kissing me and grabbing at me any time I went within range. Needless to say I stayed in range quite a lot :) I asked her why she was never like this during the evening once the kids were down, and she – I more or less quote – said she hits “peak horny” during the day and she’s always too tired at night. Whatever…. I joked we’d have to test this theory sometime. She just smiled. That night, wouldn’t you know it, nothing happened despite us teasing each other all day.

The Motivation (Workmates, pt 1) [MF] [oral]

My phone buzzed, and I picked it up. Steph’s name – as it had done hundreds of times over the last few days – appeared atop the WhatsApp notification to tell me I had a new message.

“Fuck this! Why can’t I stop thinking about him? I don’t give a fuck about him and yet he’s in my head every five minutes.”

Steph had been my work colleague for almost 10 years and, while we’d always gotten along, her going through a particularly messy breakup right now had suddenly brought us closer. I’d become the one in the office who she talked to when her emotions got the better of her. We talked by text every night and in the office kitchen every work day. She even came over for a drink the other night so we could discuss some stuff face to face. I was having my own issues, and we were dragging each other through, almost by the metaphorical hair at times.

The last two weeks had taken us from work colleagues to best friends. I did find her attractive – because she was – without really ever thinking about the possibility that things between us would go beyond friendship.

[MF] [Cheating] I wasn’t going to London (part 5 – finale)

**Heads up:** I originally started this story way back in September last year. I rattled through parts 1 to 4 fairly quickly (links in comments) but then real life got in the way and the story took a back seat. I promised myself I’d finish it early this year – and here it is, the conclusion. I’d suggest dropping to the comments and reading parts 1 to 4 first, even if you already did, just to remind yourself how we got here. And if you’re here for the first time, welcome! Either way, I hope you’ve enjoyed this story and I’d appreciate feedback in the comments.
**Previously:** My girlfriend Lori has left me, after discovering the full truth of my three day Sicily sex holiday with my friend with Snapchat benefits, Sophie. Lori fucked me one final time before she took her packed bag and left before I woke up the next morning. Freshly single, I ponder my next move…

**TL;WTS?** A couple of dividers away in the section headed “two days later”
It was a good job I’d taken the whole week off work. I sat in the front room, idly flicking through TV channels and trying to weigh up what had gone on over the last three days.

[MF] [Cheating] I wasn’t going to London (part 4)

**Previously:** I travelled to Sicily for three days of, basically, sex with a friend from Snapchat – Sophie. I lied to my girlfriend about where I was going, but my various attempts at cover failed, and she knows where I’ve been – if not who I was with. I’ve returned home to find her with her bags packed, having said I’d tell her the truth…

**TL;WTS?** This is a very story heavy part, given the circumstances. But you will find what you seek three dividers away (that’s including the one right below here).
I entered the front room and – more out of hope than expectation – held my arms out for a hug. My girlfriend Lori just stared at me, unmoved. Her eyes shifted to a seat nearby, as if instructing me to take it. I sat, and braced myself for an awkward evening. Lori opened the conversation.

“Who was she, Nate?”

“We haven’t had sex for two months. You haven’t shown any interest in pleasuring me for longer. I’m sorry. I cra…”

“*Who was she, Nate?*”

[MF] [Cheating] [Anal] I wasn’t going to London (part 3)

**Previously:** I travelled to Sicily to meet a Snapchat hookup for some real life fun. I told my girlfriend I’d gone to London on business, but my phone’s GPS gave away where I was after I forgot to turn it off. My cover story proved ineffective, as a friend of ours had been able to prove my e-mail came from here too. Now, she wants answers…

**TL;WTS?** Not very far away. Just read on… ;)
As quickly as it had arrived, it was all about to be over. The third and final day of my illicit Sicilian adventure was upon us. This afternoon, I would have to fly home to face the very angry music.

I was woken from my sleep by the feeling of my cock being sucked into a warm, wet opening. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes as I sat up. To my left, her ass poked invitingly in the air. My eyes scanned slowly rightwards as her arched back disappeared under the covers, and finally to where the sheet moved up and down as her head bobbed beneath it. I wished I could have this kind of alarm every morning, and lay my head back onto the pillows, feeling my cock stiffen in her mouth as I enjoyed my wake up call.

[MF] [Cheating] I wasn’t going to London (part 2)

*Reposting due to breaking the rules regarding adding links inside the body – will add a link to part 1 in the comments*
**Previously:** I lied to my girlfriend that I was going to London on business, before flying to Sicily to meet a girl from Snapchat while she was holidaying there. As soon as I got to her hotel room, we ended up in bed together. I woke up the next morning to texts from my girlfriend, as my phone’s GPS had given away my true location…

**Too Long;Where’s The Sex?** If you don’t want to read the follow up to the end of part 1, or about the day that followed it, simply search for “Later that evening” – you’ll get straight to the good part.
I sat up on my side of the bed, staring at the floor at first, then up at the bedside clock. It was 8am in the morning. The most accusing of texts, the one in which my girlfriend had blown my cover by exposing my own stupidity in leaving GPS enabled on my phone, arrived at 4am. I wondered why she’d been up that late. Had she been worried about me because I was too busy fucking to tell her I’d arrived in “London”? Had it kept her up all night? Or had she simply woken to go to the toilet and decided to check up?

[MF] [Cheating] I wasn’t going to London (part 1)

**If you just want to get to the sex, look for the first divider**

Monday morning. “Why you? Why is it always you?”, my girlfriend protested as I got out of her car at the train station.

“I’m the best they have at sorting this sort of shit out.”, I explained again as I pulled my suitcase from the boot. “I go down there, throw a few network cables about and I’ll be back before you know it. I don’t get paid the big bucks to turn these jobs down. I’ll be back on Wednesday night. You won’t even know I’m gone.”

“Fine. Just text me when you get to London.” I assured her I would, kissed her goodbye and walked towards the station to await my carriage.

I turned to watch her pull away and pulled the train ticket out of my pocket. I wasn’t going to London. I was headed north. I had a flight to catch. Hours later, I landed at Catania-Fontanarossa Airport – in Sicily.

[M] Snapwank

I’ve gotten into Snapchat a fair bit recently, for following along with stories and sharing snaps and messages with others. This is the story of how I showed my friends how much I’m enjoying this new found escapism.

I’d been exchanging snaps on and off today and it got me really in the mood. I’d send pictures out and get back tits being felt up, pussies being fingered, bitten lips – and all manner of dirty text snaps. It was glorious, and it was driving me crazy. If my girlfriend hadn’t spent three hours on the phone after her shower tonight and then gone straight to sleep, I could be writing an entirely different story. Alas.

I had to scratch my itch – so I chose to do it publicly, as it were. I took my phone and snuck downstairs. My story starts as I snap my briefs, still on and covering my hard, average sized (at least I’m honest) cock. I send privates of my privates to some of the girls from earlier in the day and get back encouragement and ideas on where I should put my cock and what they’d do to it, were they my hand.