I fucked a guy just because his gf pissed me off [MF]

This happened during my first year in college. There was that one guy that I kept seeing everywhere I went who was also friend with one of my friends. I thought it would be kind of rude not to say “hi” whenever we saw each other, so i’d either wave him hello or just nod. There was really nothing more to it, I was just being polite.

I mean sometimes i’d see him with his gf and i’d smile at both of them and say hello. I was literally just being polite. Anyway, this went on for a few months until one day his gf cornered me in the library and accused me of flirting with her bf. Like hello?! Are you being serious right now?

I must have been in a bad mood that day because her accusations rubbed me the wrong way. I told her that I was not interested in her fucking bf and I was just being polite. This chick must have had some serious insecurities to be coming at me like that. Anyway, I left the library fuming.

He(M35) refuses to fuck me(F25) [MF]

I met this guy about a year ago at work. I knew he was married but I could not stop myself from flirting with him. Older married guys are my weakness. It took me a while to get his attention. I’d dress as sexy as my work dress code would allow me to, short dresses, high heels, short skirts etc and while I did get my other male colleagues attention, married guy barely noticed me. Sometimes i’d suggest us getting a drink after work but he always came up with excuses.

By then I should probably have given up, he was clearly not interested, but I just could not stop myself. The more he denied me, the more I wanted him. My persistence finally paid off when one day he agreed to get one drink after work… even though the only reason he agreed was because he was waiting for his wife to meet up with him and had nothing better to do meanwhile.