We fucked before we had any conversation.

[MF] I had known my quiet husband 8 years before we ever had anything going between us, having attended the same high school and college. The first time he made advances towards me at high school, I laughed at him with my friends. The second time at college he asked me to the movies, I declined and would always avoid him afterwards. He never pushed, but I always caught him openly watching me. A part of me felt uncomfortable, but a bigger part of me enjoyed and felt intrigued by it.

One time we met in the corridor of the library and he told me he was going to marry me. I laughed it off and didn't think about it until our final year of college when I found myself needing his lift home because my parents' van needed repairs. By then the exams were completed and most students gone, except a few of us who were finalising our research papers. He planned to leave a day following the last day of submission of final papers, so I made sure to pack my luggage the night before.

Gonewild with my father-in-law

Day after my mom-in-law's funeral, my husband's dad comes to stay with us 2 weeks to heal, and for privacy we let him use our ensuite bedroom. Everyone tired that 1st nite, after tucking kids in bed I headed straight to bedroom, undressed, switched off light and snuggled close to hubby. Hubby surprisingly grabs me intimately and we made love, not lasting 3 minutes as we quickly came together. As we lay hugging he whispered: "I knew my son wasn't pleasuring you well, he's never cared much about women." I jumped out of bed as I realized I'd been fucking my dad-in-law, grabbed my clothes and ran to the guest bathroom to put them on before going to the guest bedroom where my husband was already sleeping. It was the longest and most embarrassing fortnight of my life.