Taking the train to work. (Part 3 The afternoon at work & part 4 What next?)

When we get back to our department I put my clipboard, and the documents I had used in the meeting away, grabbed my jacket and headed for the “Spinning Wheel” bar for a pub meal. On the way out the door, I spot you sitting at your your desk flicking through the diary.
I thought “I’m gonna have to work with her so I’m just as well getting to know her a bit better.”
“I’m going for a pub meal. You want to join me?’
“No thanks, I’ve a few things I have to do before this afternoon. You enjoy yourself and enjoy your meal.”
I thank you and walk out but I go back in pick up a notepad. I scribble the name and address of the pub and hand it to you.
“I’ll be here if you change your mind.”
You smile at me as you take my note.
As I walked I realised that I was actually a bit disappointed that you had turned my invitation down.
By the time I got to the door of the pub I had gone off the idea of the pub meal but I went in anyway just in case you turned up
When I returned to the office you were still at your desk. You were speaking on the phone with someone so I just smiled and walked into my office.
I pulled out the latest departmental accounts and began going through them.
I pressed the button for the intercom and asked you to come through.
“Oh and bring my appointment diary with you’
In less than 30 seconds you were through. You stand there with your hands behind your back.
” I need to make an appointment to see Ms. Freeman, her department is not meeting the targets set for them.”
“I’ll put her in the diary.”
“Where is the diary ?” I ask
“Oh I won’t need that. I have a photographic memory. I’ll continue to write your appointments in your diary so if ever I can’t get in you can still see what your day has in store for you.” As you speak you move to the desk.
“For example
Your wife’s birthday is February 6th
Your daughter’s birthday is July 17th
Your anniversary is on September 16th
You have a dentist appointment tomorrow at 3.pm”
As you are spouting out these figures you move behind me and begin giving me a shoulder rub
I close my eyes and begin to rotate my head and neck letting you access all of my aches.
It’s just then my phone rings. You pick it up and listen to the person on the other side of the line.
“Hold on I’ll see if he’s busy.”
You put the call on hold
“It’s your wife.” You say with a bit of a cheeky grin
I take the handset from you as you press the hold button.
I hear my wife’s voice and she starts telling me about the “dreadful” morning she has had
I hold the phone and just say what is appropriate for what she is telling me
Until then I hadn’t noticed that you were now on your knees and in between my legs.
I hadn’t even noticed that you that you had managed to get my trouser’s zipper down so the first I was aware of what you were doing was when you put your hand inside my boxers and fished my cock out of it’s restraints my eyes went wide as you just open your mouth and take me into your mouth. You put your finger to my mouth to quiet me and continue to bob up and down on me.
I manage to hold in most of my moans as I try to listen to my wife.
For the next 8 minutes I don’t know if I answered her properly or not and she begins to get annoyed at something so I make an excuse and tell her we’ll speak about it when I get home.
You stop your ministrations on my dick, stand up, take the handset and return it to its cradle.
You walk back behind me and resume the neck rub. My cock is still poking out from my trousers.
You tell me to relax my arms and let them drop down by my side. I don’t know why but I do as you say then I remember that I have a n appointment with one of the junior accountants in half an hour
I ask you to cancel the appointment but you say
“Already cancelled.”
“Oh!’ I say. “When?”
That’s when I heard it. A click. I also felt something tighten around my wrists. All too late I realise that you have handcuffed me to my chair.
“Oh i did and I cancelled your 3 o’clock and 4 o’clock appointments. I told them you apologised but you were going to be tied up this afternoon. I didn’t lie.”
As you talked you walk around the chair until you stood in front of me.
“What if someone comes in or needs to see me?’
“I’ve told everyone that you will be in a meeting this afternoon and have had Susan take my place at the front desk and she’s not to let anyone in,”
“Well! Looks like you have thought of everything.” I said
“I do pride myself on being thorough.”
You begin to strip down until all you are wearing is your stocking, garter belt and bra
You pull on my chair until it is close enough for you to put one foot on each arm you then sit on my desk facing me. “Now it’s time for you to repay the favours. You grab hold of my chair and pull it even closer until my knees are under the desk then lift your feet up and place them on each side of me. You lean forward and grab hold of my head and pull it into your pussy and command me to eat then you lean back to enjoy the attention I’m about to give you.
At first I start slowly and kiss and lick my way up your inner thighs . You moan lightly as I move higher and higher between your silky thighs. I continue to kiss you all the way around your pussy avoiding actually touching it. You moan a little louder as I circle around, only brushing up against it very lightly. After a few minutes of this I begin to lap your love lips in the way a dog laps your face . This action makes you gasp and moan a little louder. I go from your ass right up until I’m almost touching your clit then I start again I do this a few times then I point my tongue and run it up the outside of your lips and round your clit, being careful not to touch your love button and back down through your folds. Eac time I pass the entrance to your love canal I pus my tongue in as deep as I can then continue down to your little rose bud. The first time I only lick it but with each successive pass I apply more and more pressure until I get my tongue inside. Now you are not only moaning but you are starting to move your hips and trying to move your clit into the line of my tongue. You are beginning to pant and you are getting close to the edge I continue this until I feel your hands on the back of my head trying to guide me to where you want me to lick.
“Oh ffffuck come on, stop fucking teasing.” I hear the desperation in your voice and this time when I reach your clit I latch on to it. I lick it, suck it, flick it and nibble on it
You pull me in even tighter.
“Oh fuck, fuck, fuck yea suck on my clit, suck hard, haarrdd mmmmmmmm FUCK IM GOING TO CUM, KEEP FUCKING GOING IM NEARLY THERE .” You push my head down to the entrance of your pussy and start yourself hard against my face “Fuck I’mmmmmmmmm CCCUUUMMINGGGG You pull me in tighter, my head is clamped between your thighs as the orgasm I hits you. My tongue is pushed into your love hole and you start to tremble and suddenly my face is soaked as you squirt all over me. It covers my face and drips down onto my shirt and trousers. You finally come down from your orgasmic high and release the pressure on my head.
When you finally managed to get a semblance of control over your body you sat upright and smiled at me.
“Fuck it’s been a long time since I came so hard from getting eaten out.
“Can I get out of these cuffs then?”
You looked as if you were considering my request but you said that you would let me out once I did one more thing. I looked at my crotch “Can you at least let my cock out?”
You laugh out loud as you start to work on releasing my cock from solitary confinement.
You then turn around and take up a doggy position on the desk and crouch down until your butt is in line with my face and push back until your ass makes contact with my face.
“This is your mission! see if you can get me to cum by munching on my ass.”
I ask you to pull your cheeks apart then I get to work I start with my tong slowly circling around the entrance to your darker hole. It’s an acquired taste but one that I had gotten early in my sex life, once I was happy that I had taken you as far as simple rimming would I began to put a little pressure on the the muscles that seals your ass, as I had been doing it already while I was eating your pussy you weren’t as tight as you might have been so my tongue gained egress much easier than it might. After a few times you grip my hair and pull me in tighter.
“Eat my ass baby. Stick me with that tongue make me cum again make me squirt again and then you can fuck me hard as you like.”
I don’t think you were getting close enough and despite your verbal encouragement I knew I wasn’t going to be able to make you cum let alone squirt. After a few minutes, obviously you had come to the same conclusion. You stop me and sit down facing me . You think for a few moments then push the chair back a little then get of the desk. You look around the chair and then grin. You get the two chairs from the other side of the desk and move them into position behind my chair you then pull one off the levers at the side of my chair and the back reclines until the back of my chair is resting on the top of the other two
You then stand at the top of my chair.
“I’m warning you now.” You say. “I’m about to use your face to make myself cum so I want you to keep still and only move if I tell you. Do you understand?” I nod
“Good boy!”
You put your hands on the arms of my chair, straddle my head and sit down on my face. You started off lightly and pointing down my body. As you sat down you used the tup of my nose to separate your sex lip.
The juices from the first round were coating my face and easing the friction between us. Soon your juices were flowing again. You rubbed your sex against my face and as you’re excitement grew you would press down harder. You made sure that your clit made contact with even the smallest protrusions on my face, my eye sockets , my chin and of course my nose.
You raised a little and told me to stick my tongue out. As you sat down again you made sure my tongue was moving across your clit and my nose would disappear into your pussy hole and occasionally as you bounced you moved forward enough to make it disappear into your but.
As you increased your speed and strength I became glad that the chair had a backrest or I think you would have broken my neck. You stopped and stood up, turned around then sat back down, it took you about 10 seconds to do this but it was enough for me to catch a deep breath.
When you sat down again I was just able to catch glimpses of you as you continued grinding on my face. Again and again you would lift off for a few seconds to slow me time to breath. But as your imminent orgasm drew closer the time in between those brief moments of fresh air, not only got shorter but also took longer in between. You grabbed my hair and pulled me in tighter, at the same time allowing more and more of your weight to press down on me.
At the end I was almost 2 minutes without air and just as I thought I would surely pass out with lack of oxygen I felt you grinding really hard then you went stiff and your thighs clamped down hard around my ears.
I don’t know how I managed but I somehow got a very quick breath. Which was just as well as your orgasm ripped through your body and for the second time that day I was drenched with your squirt. This time though I had some go up my nose, some into my eyes and some over my hair.
You laid back, your body laying on mine and your head resting on the desk your lungs were wheezing as you pulled cool air into them once you were breathing normally you sat up and stepped over my head towards the small sink that was in the corner of the office.
You picked up the face cloth and wiped yourself down. Then you came over to me and righted my chair, returned the other two seats to their rightful places and finally Came over to release my hands from their bondage as I cleaned up as best I could you went to one of the cupboards and returned with a clean shirt and trousers. And placed them on my desk.
“How did you know about them?”
“Oh! You’d be surprised the things I know about. You better get dressed or we’ll miss the train.”
I look at the clock it was 3.45.
“We don’t finish until 5”
“I have already cleared it for us to go home early, now hurry up.”
You walk away and unlock the office door. Without another backwards glance you disappear through the door. I hear you chat with Susan for a while and once dressed I join you at the front door. You pass me my jacket and we both say goodbye to Susan. I manage to glance at the diary and true to your claim I see an appointment in for Ms freeman. You didn’t even look back but you said.
“You didn’t think I’d forget did you?

Taking the train to work (Part 2 The Meeting)

I walked into the boardroom at 9.08
The meeting was due to start at 9.15
I took my seat and started going over the statistics for the report I had to give
With just two minutes before the start of the meeting a cup of coffee was put down in front of me. I thank the person who set it there and continued reading I sense rather than see them taking the seat to the left of me but I’m suddenly aware of an aroma emanating from the chair that had just been occupied. I couldn’t quite place it but I continue to go over my report like I had done umpteen times in the last few days. At 9.18 the CEO walked in and took the seat at the head of the table and called for order
The room went quiet and he welcomed us all to the meeting. As he talked I felt something bump my foot and then it occurred me where I remembered the scent from.
I was instantly transported in my mind, back to my journey into work. It was the same scent that…….
I turned to glance at you
“….you wear.” I said out loud.
I smile at you and turn back to face the CEO just as he announces my name.
It takes me a few moments to realise that it’s him calling for me to give my report
I open the file in front of me and I start my delivery.
I was less than 5 minutes into the report when I feel something touching my calf.
I pretend to look at my notes and I see your nylon clad foot lightly stroking my calf. And with the thoughts of the train ride into work still fresh in my mind I instantly start to feel the effect you are having on my manhood. (Which makes me glad I don’t have to stand up to deliver my report as a tent is beginning to erect itself in my trousers.)
By the time I finished my report your foot was brushing against the back of my knee. I looked at you again but you are looking at Robert who is sitting on the other side of the table from us. You look like nothing is happening, like butter wouldn’t melt in your mouth.
Peter is next to give his report and as he begins I feel your hand reach over and brush against my cock. You lean forward to say something to Robert but I am hardly aware of what you are saying as the blood pounds in my ears so loud I’m surprised that nobody else can hear it. My heart is beating so fast and it’s due to the fact that you have managed to get inside my trousers and my boxers and your hand is stroking my cock with skin to skin contact.
As Pete rambles through his report I hear the odd few words but not enough to make sense of what he is saying.
A few times I get close to cuming but each time at the critical moment you stop. Each time you allow me time to relax for a few minutes then you start again.
I soon realise that you are edging me closer and closer to erupting in my boxers, building me up and each time I’m getting closer than the last time. When Pete finishes, the CEO thanks him then calls for a break.
I look at the hand on my groin as it pulls out from my spaver.
I quickly readjust myself and using my clip board to hide my erection I head for the toilet the closest restroom is almost full so I head for the one at the other side of the building.
I want to release some of the built up pressure that’s threatening to blow my nuts away from my dick.
I walk in and check the cubicles are empty. There is one that’s occupied so I go into one of the others and wait for the sound of whoever it is leaving
Eventually I hear the bolt slide, some footsteps, the water running into the basin then the hand dryer. A few seconds later I hear the door close.
I put my clipboard on the cistern and undo my belt, allowing my trousers to fall around my ankles and pull my cock out
Just then I hear the door open again “Shit! I knew I should have locked that door!” I also here the lock click. A few seconds later I hear a tap, tap, tap on the door and I hear you say “Open up, quickly.” I unlock my cubicle and open the door enough to look at you. You push on the door and I move enough to let it open.
You grab my hand and pull me out of the stall and over to the sinks, my trousers still around my ankles, my half deflated cock in my other hand.you drop to your knees and take over control of my manhood. You take me into your mouth and begin to bob your head up and down my shaft until I am at full hardness. (Given the edging you did to me in the meeting this takes less than 30 seconds) after which you pull off of me, stand up open your legs and leaning on your elbows you bend over the sinks. For a few seconds I just stare at you but you take charge. You reach back and grab hold of my cock and giving me a gentle tug to bring me closer you aim the head rod my dick right at your pussy you let go and grab my shirt and pull me in even closer until my shaft is at the entrance to your love hole and my head is inside you. Im still just standing there when you say
“Look!, I know that you are as horny as I am and this ‘has’ to better than jerking off so what do you say we just get it over with?”
I start slowly, getting a feel for your pussy’s grip on my dick and allowing you to get used to my size. The sensations of your inner muscles gripping on to me is getting me harder than I’ve ever been. Soon my balls are slapping against you and I’m holding on to your hips as my sexual tension racks up and the hormones that have been dumped into my blood system transport me into a a realm where my animal instincts take over I fuck you hard and fast and you try to keep up a rhythm with me. You call out to me
“Yes!! Fuck! Just like that! Don’t stop!! I’mmmmmm gonnnnnnaaaa cuuummmmmm……….”. I don’t last very long before I explode inside you firing more cum into your pussy than I can remember ever pumping out before, this triggers your orgasm and together we begin an orgasmic free fall. To stop yourself from collapsing you hold on tight to the taps and in turn I hold on to you. As we begin to regain control there’s a knock on the door. I, somehow manage to call out
“Wait a moment. The next few seconds are a scramble as I pull my trousers up and you quickly nip into a stall and wipe the cum off your inner thigh. I expect you to hide in the cubicle but I get a surprise when you walk up beside me and signal for me to open the door.
Turn the key in the door and open it
A guy stands there! Obviously shocked to see you in in the men’s room.
You say thank you to me then turn to the bewildered gent and explain.
“The ladies are out of order so this gentleman was good enough to check there was no one in there and stood watch while I got the toilet.” We begin to walk away when the man runs up behind us. He hands you my clipboard,
“You forgot this Miss!” Then without another word being said he turns and walks away. You grin at me as you pass me back my clipboard.
we walk (half run) back to the meeting we arrive back with only two moments to spare. I take my seat and you go into the small area reserved for making the teas and coffees
You reach over my shoulder and place the cup in front of me, as you do your breasts rub lightly on the back of my neck and you whisper in my ear wasn’t that better than jerking off. I just nod as you step back and resume your seat. Nothing else “unexpected” happens during the next part of the meeting until the CEO announces that we are about to change the way that some of the organisation is going to operate.
He tells us that Mrs Decker has decided to take early retirement and that you have been appointed to take her place of the head secretary (we all applaud you).
The CEO then asks you to outline the changes to the organisation. You begin with a brief outline of how we are already working and then move on to the changes that’s about to be made.
“Each head of department is to get their own dedicated secretary, which means that you will all get your own secretary.” The rest of the staff will still draw secretaries from the pool.” You open up a folder and read out the head of each departments name and the secretary assigned to that person
“I, myself,” you say “am getting assigned to the Accounts department. But will continue in my role as head secretary.”
It took a little while for it to sink in but eventually it did. That meant you would be my secretary
You spouted a few figures which showed that even though the appointed secretaries would receive a wage increase the total costs would be lower while efficiency would, after a short term of adjustment increase.
Minutes later the meeting was over and it was lunch time. As we walk to my office you turn o me and say
“I think we’re going to have fun working together.”

Taking a train to work. (Part 1…. The journey)

It’s 8.12 am and I’m waiting for the 8.20 train into work
I’m reading the news when you tap me on the shoulder
I turn around and see you
You are the new secretary in the office. Although you have only been there 2 months you have already got the reputation of being the office “BIKE” and you are supposed to have slept your way through most of the staff (men and women)
You smile at me and say “I didn’t know you got the train.”
“Only for a few days, my cars in the shop”
We chat about work as we wait
You have draped yourself over my shoulder and your artificially enlarged breasts are rubbing on my arm
You are not shy and you are not backwards in coming forward and somehow you have managed to steer the topic of conversation to sexual fantasies
I stupidly tell you that I have always wanted to fuck someone on any form of public transport.
“Mmmmmm. It might be your lucky day.” You say as you put your hand on my thigh
I jump up, a little embarrassed, just as the train pulls into the station
We walk to the train and both get on different carriages. I’m a little relieved but admit to myself that you are very attractive but I’m married and I wouldn’t want to cheat on her.
The train is unusually busy but as I’m in first class I manage to get a seat the train begins to move
And I find myself thinking about what you said.
Five minutes out of the station and I hear your voice
“All of the other carriages are packed, would you mind if I join you?”
I am about to point out that this is a 1st class carriage when you begin to push past me towards the window seat. You have your back towards me and push your butt back as you begin to pass.
Your ass, clad in a red mini skirt comes within a few inches of my face it begins a reaction in my pants. Just at that moment the train jostles a little. You pretend to loose balance and drop down into my lap. Before you stand up you grind against my growing trouser snake. You move to the window seat you put your jacket over our lap and your hand goes immediately to my trouser’s zip, you pull it down and before I get the chance to object you place a finger on my lips signalling for me to keep quiet
You fish my cock from my trousers and with a quick glance to make sure nobody is watching you begin stroking my cock. When you feel that I have got as hard as I’m gonna get you have another look around and seeing that most of the people around are busy with getting on with their day to day life you bend over, move your jacket and take my manhood right into your mouth. I feel your tongue circling the head of my dick then you begin to bob your her head up and down my shaft.
You sit up for a moment and whisper.
“You’re not the biggest but you are one of the thickest I’ve had before returning to blowing my dick. Your fingers are wrapped around the base of the piece of my cock that is still not in your mouth but I feel it when the tip of my cock touches the back of your throat. You don’t even gag as you push down taking the last of my cock into your mouth and into your throat. I feel your muscles contract as you try to swallow my cock. I’m getting close to blowing my load right down your throat when we feel the train slowing down for the next station.
A few people get up in readiness to get off but the majority stay seated also a lot more get on
Thankfully I’m already seated because all the seats are now filled and there are a few people now standing.
An elderly couple are now sitting opposite us and I’m sort of disappointed but also relieved.
Just then another woman, heavily pregnant, stands beside my chair.
“Hey!” You say speaking to the pregnant woman. “Why don’t you take my seat?”
“That’s very kind of you she says but I couldn’t take your seat.”
You look at me and say, with a smile, it’s ok I can sit on my husband’s knees and with that you stand up.
You leave your jacket covering my modesty and squash past then the pregnant woman tries to get across to the window seat and as the train pulls out of the station she falls back into my lap.
You laugh as you see the horror on my face as I worry she might feel the bulg that still inhabits my trousers. She apologises and blushes as she struggles to get to her feet.
“That’s ok!” You say “He probably enjoyed it.” You both laugh as you help her get up and into the vacant seat.
You move and just before you sit on my lap you lift your jacket off my knees. Thankfully the others are too busy to notice that you have hitched up your skirt
As you sit down, you reach under your skirt and grab hold of my cock and guide it into your pussy. You slowly grind yourself against me as the train jostles along, and apart from us no one else is aware of what you are doing. Each bump on the track is getting me closer and closer to filling you up with my baby batter. Were getting close to the end of the line and I’m almost ready to blow.
Just then I realise that the old man sitting in front of us is looking at you, watching as you, trying to look cool, ride me. I whisper in your ear and tell you that you are being watched. You look at the old guy then glance at his wife and the pregnant woman. Both of which are staring out the window
You glance around and see no one else is looking so you look back at the old guy who is still watching you. You signal for him to be quiet and lift your jacket up and give him a good look by opening your legs. The man can’t help but stare. You notice the bulge in his trousers and lift and drop yourself on my dick as he watches, seconds later I feel my balls tighten as I erupt and release my cum into you. You put your knuckle in your mouth and bite it in order to stifle a small scream and the old guy looks away.
The train pulls up at the station and every one begins to file off. You are first to stand and you have given me your jacket to hold so I can cover my shrinking manhood. After you is the old guy, the old woman then the pregnant woman and I’m last .
You look back at the man behind you and in doing so you notice his wife isn’t able to see past him so you smile and carefully reach behind you and give his dick a squeeze and a wink.by the time we’ve got off the train, I managed to sort myself and my trousers. You link arms with me and we leave for the office.