Getting [F]ingered under a blanket in front of all my friends [MF]

Back when I was in my teens my friends and I all used to hang out at this one guy’s house on the weekend – he had an outbuilding with a pool table, some sofas etc set a little way from the house so perfect for teenage drinking and bad behaviour. It started when we were all underage, but as home drinking is much cheaper than a night out we carried on meeting there when we were adults too.

One night, when I was 18, it was pretty cold so there were plenty of coats and blankets around. I’d been sitting on one of the sofas next to a friend of mine (18M), when the cold got the better of me and we shifted round to cuddle up, me lying on his chest between his legs with a blanket covering the two of us. We’d never hooked up or anything before, it seemed perfectly platonic, and we carried on chatting, laughing and drinking with the group.

My first [FF] experience with a friend

It’s a bit of a long one, and there’s some backstory, scroll to —- to go straight for the sex!

As a teenager I never thought too much about my sexuality – if I did, I assumed I was straight and that was that. I definitely liked guys, there was no question about that. I could appreciate an attractive woman, but I didn’t have any particular romantic feelings in that direction.

When I started watching porn however, it was only really girl-on-girl that got me off. I had little interest in looking at cocks, and still don’t get off on watching seemingly endless blowjobs (unless it’s guy/guy, but that’s a different topic entirely). Occasionally my masturbation fantasies would spread into girl on girl, never any girl in particular, but enough to spark my curiosity.

When I was around 19, for a while there was a girl in our pub friendship group, G, who we knew was bisexual. Not entirely sure how we became friends with her, but for a few months she became a fixture of our nights out and was always a good laugh. She was attractive, slimmer than me with big brown eyes and long wavy brown hair, smallish boobs and maybe two inches or so taller than me, about 5’8” IIRC. For info, at the time I was slim but curvy, big boobs and a bigger arse, also with long wavy brown hair.

My first time with a guy I was dating [FM] (and my first time outdoors!)

I spent half of 2020 posting NSFW pictures of myself on Reddit but got a little bored of doing that, so I thought this time I’d try something new and share some of my stories instead! I’ve never written up any of my sexual experiences before, but I’ve got plenty to share, so bear with me…

I picked this one first as it’s the very first one I can tell on this sub – it takes place just a few weeks after I turned 18. [NB – I’m in the UK, where the age of consent is 16]. Obviously as it was over a decade ago the details aren’t going to be perfect, but I’ve filled in the blanks as best as I remember!

Some backstory, the sex starts at —-


I’d met G through a mutual friend a few months earlier, but he was a few years older than me [24] and understandably uncomfortable dating a 17 year old. We flirted a little at the time, but nothing more. On my 18th birthday, he sent me a happy birthday text and invited me out for a drink.