Santa’s Coming [MF] (Vanilla)

It was the night of Chrismas eve, Ms. Cooper has just set the kids down for bed, she informed them that they need to stay in bed and try and sleep or else Santa will not come to their house and deliver their presents. Afterwards Ms. Cooper made her way to the kitchen to clean up the mess her and the kids made baking Santa’s cookies.

Mr. Cooper comes in from the garage dressed as Santato inform his wife that the presents are in the garage waiting for the all clear signal. Ms. Cooper pours herself a glass of red wine and gave her husband a big thumbs up. As “Santa” brought in the gifts and placed them quietly under the tree, Ms. Cooper had changed into her Ms. Claus outfit and wait standing under the mistletoe.

Once the gifts had been placed  Santa looked up to see his wife in a skimpy outfit under the mistletoe, he approtched her grabbing her hips and pull her lips to his.

“Well now Ms. Claus, this is a surprise are you should you should be here, someone might see”

Chelsea’s Dilemma (FF) (Lesbian, Bi)

All characters are 18+, I do not endorse rape or intend for this to be taken in thw wrong way, if you are sensitive to this kind of stuff you do not have to read, but inform me of what kind of atories you do like and i can make more to your preference.


Chelsea was never good in school, but the way she dressed and acted said otherwise. She had long black hair, glasses and braces, the typical nerdy girl. She always wore baggy clothes to hide the perfect fit body underneath, she never thought highly of her looks.

Chelsea’s grades were horrible at D’s and F’s, it was her senior year and she wouldnt be able to graduate on time if she didn’t do something. It wasnt that she wasn’t a hardworker, she just had a hard time focusing on anything ever since they were going to move the day after graduation.


“Bags packed, and clothes set our for tomorrow, I really need to catch up on work but i don’t know how, maybe Mrs, Henderson will give me some extra credit project to bump it up to a C” Chelsea thought to herself.

Chelsea’s Dilemma (FF) (Lesbian, Bi)

All characters are 18+, I do not endorse rape or intend for this to be taken in thw wrong way, if you are sensitive to this kind of stuff you do not have to read, but inform me of what kind of atories you do like and i can make more to your preference.


Chelsea was never good in school, but the way she dressed and acted said otherwise. She had long black hair, glasses and braces, the typical nerdy girl. She always wore baggy clothes to hide the perfect fit body underneath, she never thought highly of her looks.

Chelsea’s grades were horrible at D’s and F’s, it was her senior year and she wouldnt be able to graduate on time if she didn’t do something. It wasnt that she wasn’t a hardworker, she just had a hard time focusing on anything ever since they were going to move the day after graduation.


“Bags packed, and clothes set our for tomorrow, I really need to catch up on work but i don’t know how, maybe Mrs, Henderson will give me some extra credit project to bump it up to a C” Chelsea thought to herself.

[FMMMM] Fun in Colombia – Divertido en Colombia (Gangbang, Rape, Incest)

This is a story written for a reddit user by request, All characters are 18+, characters and basic plot also via reddit user – i just put it into story form, enjoy ;)


Marcos had never been to his mother’s home country before he had only heard of from stories from her. Juliana, his mother, had left her home at a young age to avoid the cartel moving into her town, she fled to America for a better life.  The only reason they came for a mini vacation was her mother,  Marcos’ abuela, was very sick and she had to help settle the paperwork before her mother dies.

Juliana was 42 years old, long brown hair, brown eyes and a body that could be compared to busty teenager from a porn scene. When she walked into a room all eyes were on her and she knew it, but here in Colombia attenion was the last thing you wanted. 

Happy Wife Happy Sex Life (Chapter 3) [MF] (FDom, MSub, Morning Sex, Pegging)

The next day rolled around, Tanner opens his eyes to get up for work when he realized he was not awoken by his alarm – instead he looks over and his phone is going off.

“It is 5am in the damn morning who could be possibly calling — Hello?” Tanner Answers the phone quietly to not wake up Shannon.

“Hello Tanner it is Miss Summerton, I need you to come in early one of the servers went down and no one else is picking up, I promise if you so I will give you a “raise””

Tanner agreed and hung up the phone, he hated being up so early but with the seduction in her voice how could he say no. Tanner slid out of bed and got ready for work, as he walked back into the room to kiss his wife, he dropped his jaw as she was naked fingering her wet pussy.

“Can’t let you go see that sexy boss of your without some “Breakfast” now can we” Tanner already rock hard thinking about his boss happily agreed. He pulled Shannon’s legs to his shoulders and started to lick her warm, wet slit up and down paying close attention to her asshole clit.

The Weekend Trip [FFMMMMMM](Gangbang, Incest, Rape)

Finally it was Friday, Susy and I had this trip planned for months. She just got home from university and I believed it would do us some good to travel a few states over and rent a cabin in the wood for a weekend. Susy always had he nose tucked into her phone screen, always texting that no good boyfriend of hers, even now she’s sucked into her phone.

We didn’t leave early for our trip like I had planned due to Susy being up all night drinking with her friends at the bars and then sleeping in the next day, she has always been so irresponsible – I swear she gets it from her damn father. He was just like her in every way, drinking all the time, picking an attitude for no reason, being lazy thinking everything will be handed to them, and worst of all bringing home people they barely knew the names of. My ex husband Rodger would bring women home and sleep with them in our bed while I was out working my ass off, I only found out about it a few years ago when I found video files saved on his computer when I went to print a job application for him. Susy blames me for the whole thing, she would tell me that maybe if I put out more or wore more revealing clothing maybe her dad would have stayed. He is the one to blame for my daughter being such a slut.

Happy Wife Happy Sex Life (Chapter 2) [MFF] (Cheating)

Samantha was the newest department head at work, everyone assumed it was because of her looks. She had a gorgeous red head with an hourglass body, she had bright green eyes that could pierce someone with just a glance. But little did they know it wasn’t her looks that got her in, she was smart and very good at her job allowing her to jump the ranks.

Tanner was a loyal husband, never even would look at another woman without his wife’s consent, but as their sec life hit a lull he could not help but sneak glances at his new boss. Samantha had a thing for the stereotypical hot boss outfits, short skirts, high heels and a top that seemed 2 sizes too small.

Samantha had only been department head for three months and she really cleaned up the low preformance rating they previously had. She would fire people ruthlessly to prove a point that failure was not an option. After the firing spree Tanner felt safe… until she called him to the office.

“Hi Tanner, shut the door and have a seat” Tanner started to sweat scared to lose the job hes loved so much.

Happy Wife Happy Sex Life (Chapter 1)

This is my first post on reddit ever. Any feedback is welcome and suggestions welcome. All characters are 18+ and based on real stories and real people but with name changes making this fictional, i hope you enjoy.


The introduction:
Shannon was a good wife and mother. Shannon was not supermodel gorgeous but she was far from being unattractive, she was 5’2″ -160lbs and had amazing DD breast which only increased in size after she gave birth to their son.

Shannon’s husband Tanner was very sexy, he would catch women’s eyes of all ages but who could blame them, he was tall with short black hair, blue eyes and always dressed like he was going to a gala of sorts.

Shannon and Tanner’s sex life was crazy and full of surprises, sex in public places, wirless vibrators in the movies, even as far as letting people watch when on vacation. Afer theyhad their son Tanner started to work more to help keep up with the bills and Shannon stayed home with the baby.


Present Day:
“Maybe i will drop off James with my mom so i can get some cleaning done” Shannon thought to herself.