I [F25] fucked a stranger as a dare. [FM]

I’m a slut.

I wasn’t one before. Yes, I have had slept with a few men before too, but they all were men I was in love with. Sex to me was an act of love. Now it’s more than just love. It’s a necessity. I’m a nymphomaniac.

As part of a dare, which unto itself is a very juvenile thing and has an equally juvenile reason, I was asked by my friend to fuck a stranger of his choice, and as an incentive to take up this challenge, I was offered his monthly bonus (we both work in the same firm). And as a woman who loves sex and money and a good thrill of adventure, especially since I know that I’ll be married to someone soon, and I want to experience the lust of being alive, I said, ‘I do’ to the dare.

I (F 24) Sucked off my boyfriend (M28) at the emergency staircase of our college. [FM]

So, today I had to go to my college for some administrative work, and my boyfriend came along with me. The campus wasn’t entirely deserted but there were definitely lesser number of people than from what I remember the campus was like pre-Covid. The campus is strictly following the Covid protocol and even ensures that people maintain distance between themselves.

After completing the work, we both decided to go around the campus and enjoy the ‘romantic quietness’ around us. But everyone who knows about romantic quietness also knows that such stillness only breeds lust and acts as a prelude to making out. But we refrained from doing anything risky there. But by the time we went to the main building (to meet a professor who, unfortunately, was on leave), my boyfriend had started getting frisky, and I’m a simple woman, so I gave in, rather too easily.

How My Best Friends Became My Fuck Buddies [MFM]

*This is a little slice of my life that happened when I was 21, and for reasons pertaining safety, security and privacy, I have changed the names of the people involved (and have assigned them pet names that I call them by). This will be quite long, so, please bear with me. I hope this gives you an insight of my mind and my life.*

It was in the first week of May, 2016 and I was at my friends’ apartment. I remember the month quite clearly because I had a rather messy breakup in March and was going through one of the darkest patches of my life. I was never suicidal but the lure of that thought did cross my mind more than once. In those times, it was my friends, Arjun (24) and Richie (25) who helped me come back to life.

I used to live in university hostel, so the food and sometimes even the social environment was not conducive to people who were battling depression. But these two gems would make sure that I always woke up on time, attended classes, had food and had something to keep myself occupied. So, these two would come and pick me up every day from my college to go to places– simple acts of kindness, which made me warm up to them.

The Making of a Bad Girl [MF]

Sex is sin. This is what was drilled into me since I was child. First by the priest in my Sunday school, then by my mother when I was eight and then by my father when I first became a woman. And every time they told me that, I would nod my head in agreement, but every time I nodded, I was more tempted to sin.

My name is Christina. Aged 24. In a relationship with a loving man. I’m an advocate who is now studying MBA. And a complete nymphomaniac. But before I became all that, I was a good girl.

Born and raised in a Catholic household in a southern town in India, I was taught more about man’s sin than about gravity. And I had no qualms in believing it because they all came from trusted sources. if sex is sin, then so be it. If masturbation is sin, then so be it. If sitting next to a boy and kissing him is a sin, then so be it.

I was pure and blessed and I wanted heaven. But one can only be pure till their childhood and to give away sex for heaven seemed like a bad bargain.