[FM] My Pregnant Mom (F) and her boyfriend (M)

I’ve (18m) made a few posts about my pregnant mom over the last few weeks and how absolutely beautiful I find her in this state. I’ve always found pregnant women gorgeous and seeing my own mom with her growing belly has been a crazy experience. For a while, I would say I was borderline obsessed with her (read posts 1 and 2 that I’ve put at the bottom), but I’ve calmed down with that.

My main reasoning for that was noticing that my mom’s boyfriend was finally taking more of an interest in her and giving her the attention she deserves (read post 3). I wanted things to work out with them, if possible, and didn’t want to interfere. Well, apparently it’s working out because him and mom have been getting pretty intimate lately.

Specifically, they fuck almost every night and this has been going on for a few weeks. I don’t know if they think I’m asleep, or just don’t care, but I hear them every time. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t turn me on. I just find it so hot. I’ve been thinking about writing this for about a week now, but I finally got sent over the edge last night listening to them. Some of the things I can hear her saying are just incredible.