Movie Theater Adventures with my Best Friend, Part 2 [MF]

This is the second of two stories, find the first [here](

I’m glad that y’all liked the first story so much, so here’s the next part!

As an employee at the movie theater we were currently at, Kate knew all of the good places where you aren’t likely to be disturbed. We had talked a little about going somewhere more private while at the theater or afterwards, but other than her guiltily telling me that she had had a dream where I was fucking her from behind in the projection booth the conversations never went anywhere concrete (by the way Kate, still waiting for you to describe that dream for me). But she must’ve done some research before we got there because she knew which theaters were not showing anything at the moment and, more importantly, which projector booths were closed up for the night.

Fingerfucking My Best Friend in a Movie Theater [MF]

Alright, I’ve been reading these for a long time and here’s my first attempt at one. You’ll have to excuse any dumb mistakes, I am currently quite a bit tipsy but you know what I’m #thriving. I hope you enjoy and I would love to hear any comments you have for me.

So I’ve been friends with Kate for like six years now. She is one of my best friends, and we talk all the time. A few years ago, we started talking about more sexual matters, but we both had significant others so it stayed at just talking and asking questions (and fantasizing on my part, not sure about her). So the spring break of my senior year at college, that whole dynamic changed. It started a few weeks earlier when she started snapchatting me while crossfaded and the snapchats quickly got very explicit and after that night we kept talking about sex but the tone was much more realistic. Instead of what would be fun it became what I would do to you if you were here right now. So we made plans, and my spring break I drove out to visit her.