[M]y life after moving into a share house with two beautiful women… (Part 3)

I ran from Kerri.

What was I suppose to say to her? She’d marched up to me drunk off her face talking about my penis in a sexy voice as if she wanted to see it, and hold it, and put it in her mouth forever and ever and ever… Of course I panicked. I would love to say that I was someone who had said something sexy, Kerri dropped her trousers and I took her then and there on the kitchen bench. But, unfortunately, I am not. And she kept her trouser firmly on.

Instead, I ran. Retreating to my room to touch myself ad nauseam. Again, I would love to say that it was spectacular session spent mentally undressing Kerri, seeing her huge-for-her-tiny-frame boobs and holding her within my arms, but that didn’t happen. Instead, I watched a poorly shot video about two blonde lesbians going bananas on each other on a boat.

It was awesome.

But that’s probably not the sex story you’ve come to read about. If I am wrong, apologies; just type “huge + fake tits + lesbo + boat” into PornHub. You’re welcome sickos! Also, for those interested, I believe they are currently working on a sequel to be released soon. Apparently it’s to be filmed on a mystery land-based motorised vehicle. My guess is something with more than four wheel… Saucy.

[M]y life after moving into a share house with two beautiful women… (Part 2)

For context for the following, please refer to [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/biakoi/my_life_after_moving_into_a_share_house_with_two/). Apologies in advance; this probably isn’t a wholly conventional submission.


Claire and I lay on her saturated bed in silence looking at each other. Last night had been so, so good. It was a night I had probably imagined while jerking off a dozen times. And the reality was even better than I could’ve imagined.

Claire lay naked next to me. She was beautiful with her messy blonde hair and big blue eyes. Her lips twisted into a smile as she looked at me.

I smiled back. My mind thinking.

Kerri knew that Claire and I had slept together…

I reached towards Claire without deliberate thought and stroked one of her round breasts. My dried cum still covered her chest. Inside, the rational part of my brain was having a mini stroke trying to wrestle with the horny delinquent version of myself who was roaring with delight.

I loved living with the two girls. And I had just completely fucked everything up.

[M]y life after moving into a share house with two beautiful women…

This is the story of breaking up with my girlfriend, moving cities, and starting a university degree during which I would entangle my life with two beautiful girls living in a small, intimate share-house.

This is the story of my life at Lamington Avenue.

After I finished high school, I remained in my hometown after getting serious with my high school girlfriend. We went backpacking and travelled and led a idealistic life of two blissful 18 year old with non-existent responsibility. We worked when we wanted and travelled as we liked. Money didn’t bother us as wherever we stopped we worked in exchanged for free board and food, spending very little. In a way, it was pure; the essence of adventure of two free spirits.

But we were volatile.

It fell apart when my girlfriend fell ill. We returned home so she could heal but during this time she slept with an acquaintance within my friend circle. So, it ended.

Harsh. And hard.

But we weren’t meant for each other. We were just to young to realise.