Why are the quiet ones always the freakiest? [FM]

Hi there, longtime lurker always wanted to share my own true “gonewildstory” here is mine I hope you enjoy.

So there was this friend of a friend situation I had a few years back. Let’s call this friend of a friend Jasmine who worked with my friend Adam. She was hot, petite 5ft 2 and perhaps a c cup (they looked big on her slender frame) but she was always pretty quiet so I never thought much of her other than her being pretty hot. Little did I know she would later prove me wrong.

If anybody cares about my appearance I’m mixed white/Caribbean, 6ft 3 and have always been quite in shape I guess.

So fast forward and Adam invites me to go on a night out with a few of our mutual friends and some people from his work. Yes you guessed it. Jasmine is going to be there.

So we’re all out together in the club the drinks have been flowing nicely and everyone was on a good level. We were all having a great time being drunk, dancing, enjoying the vibe and at this point I’ve picked up that jasmine keeps looking over at me (I don’t know if she’s checking me out or what)