[F]irst [Anal] with [M]y ex-girlfriend

Sitting in the airport with time to kill reliving some of my better days. This story takes place with one of my ex-girlfriends, let’s call her Sarah. Let me know if these stories are too long. I am not a huge fan of the ‘parts I, II, etc.’ but I tend to get carried away as I relive these experiences…

Sarah and I were at a party her friends were throwing and it had been a week or so since we had seen each other. We met at the party and enthusiastically kissed and said hello as we grabbed drinks and started mingling with our friends. It was clear that the sexual tension between us would need to be settled ASAP.

We were out on the patio chatting it up with a group of her friends, and Sarah was standing in front of me as I leaned up against a railing. Sarah did this wonderful thing when she was drunk and horny…while engaged in a conversation with someone else, she would place her hand behind her on the front of my pants and stroke my growing bugle. Then, without warning, she would unzip my pants and slide her small hands through my pants to grip my cock.

[MF] Mystery Woman prefers deepthroating instead of conversation

Long time reader first time poster, so please forgive the formatting and length (too long?). Feedback is welcome, I look forward to posting more. **break in the middle for the start of the fun stuff.

This story took place when I was still in college, and to this day it was one of the more invigorating one night stands I have ever had. It took place at our fraternity house, where we were having a mixer with the Dance Team, Cheerleading Team and Pre-Med girls. Our house was fairly large so we tended to have a few different parties within a party, between upstairs and downstairs.

I first ran into our Mystery Woman downstairs on the dance floor, as a hot and tiny Asian girl came over and started rubbing her ass against my impending bulge. I am 6’3″, 200lbs of fairly average build so while she might not have been the tiniest, she felt mini as she ground her firm ass against my tightening pants. As the song changed she started rubbing her hands up my neck and through my hair and as I looked down at her, she turned around and her mouth shot onto mine, eagerly kissing and grabbing the back of my neck.