[ff] Summer Christian Mission Trip Affair

I found God when I was 15. I wasn’t looking particularly, so maybe it would be better to say he found me. I attended this youth group at my family’s church where we studied the Bible. Presumably many of you are familiar with the kind of setup involved and those that aren’t can imagine. I remember it was reading through the Gospel of Luke that I realised I really did believe in Jesus.

*S was a year older than me. She had light brown skin and the blackest, straightest hair you could imagine. It shone. Her beauty was effortless. When she smiled, her eyes lit up and it was like a movie star was staring at you. When she talked to you, her whole being was directed towards you, her body would turn to you, you would have her complete attention. She made you feel listened to.*

Long story short, in a very confused and enthusiastic way, I threw myself into my faith. I was far from the perfect disciple, but I was sincere. And that is how I ended up on a summer mission trip to Moldova.