High School wasnt the best of times. My parents divorced, my sisters brain tumor caught up to her and my grades were slipping faster than an avalanche down a slope. It wasn’t good. This is probably one of the only redeeming memories I have from the time.
Whenever I smell lemongrass I remember her now. She loved wearing her makeshift lemongrass perfume. She said it made her feel attractive, Whatever that means. To me, it just felt dodgy. Who in god’s name would put a bunch of dollar store lemon grass into an emptied glass cleaner container and call it perfume? She would, and she did. She was weird. But in a fun way.
It wasn’t the best way to lose one’s virginity, I’ll give you that. I didn’t love her or anything. I liked her though. Which is sort of why I still visit her parents property at times. Her parents moved out of the house a few years ago. It remains empty, with her bedroom walls still covered in her favourite shade of orange. Scattered all over the floor of the room are some of her belongings that her parents left behind. They’re almost unrecognizable now, with all the dust and mould that cling onto them.