Morning Sex of the Future [Mf][Oral]

*Sometime in the future…*

The sun was rising, on what promised to be another hot South California day, when Alex awoke in his cozy bed with the usual morning hard-on. His wife, Genia, was still sleeping soundly, rather she was still unconscious from her nightly habit of pills and wine. He gently eased out of bed and put on a pair of sweat pants before leaving the room and making his way down stairs, through the kitchen and out the sliding glass door into the backyard and a gray early morning mist. He quickly walked to the far end of the pool heading for the Man Cave located in the converted pool house. Alex put a lot of work into the Man Cave installing a couch, a sixty inch screen, small kitchen and bathroom. It’s the place where Genia makes him stash all his ‘tasteless man junk’; a bean bag, antique movie posters, and the PacMan arcade game he restored himself. And best of all, it was home to Shelby.

Girl Electric, Come Home! [MF][sci-fi][oral]

Sometime in the future….

Shelby’s eyes flew open from the homing signal booting up her system. With ninety percent power, she had enough to be on her way. She dressed and put on her shoes in the entertainment room, where she had been left her face down on a couch, and walked from the party house. At the end of his driveway, the pretty blonde sexbot set her bearings to a northwest pedestrian route and set about walking the twenty five hundred miles home.

Five hours later, in the midst of Florida’s heat and humidity, Shelby’s sensors indicated she was close to overheating. Her coolant was evaporating from her skin in tiny beads of simulated sweat. And though she was operating on solar power, her reserves charged to capacity, she was still in need of coolant to complete her journey. She spotted a fueling station with a convenience store near a highway entrance, and headed towards it. She entered the cool store and walked up to the young male clerk behind the counter.

“Hi, I’m Shelby and I require robot coolant. R260 grade.”

He pulled it off the back counter and scanned it.

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Morning Sex in the Future [Mf][Oral]

The sun was rising, on what promised to be another hot South California day, when Alex awoke in his cozy bed with the usual morning hard-on. His wife, Genia, was still sleeping soundly, rather she was still unconscious from her nightly habit of pills and wine. He gently eased out of bed and put on a pair of sweat pants before leaving the room and making his way down stairs, through the kitchen and out the sliding glass door into the backyard and a gray early morning mist. He quickly walked to the far end of the pool heading for the Man Cave located in the converted pool house. Alex put a lot of work into the Man Cave installing a couch, a sixty inch screen, small kitchen and bathroom. It’s the place where Genia makes him stash all his ‘tasteless man junk’; a bean bag, antique movie posters, and the PacMan arcade game he restored himself. And best of all, it was home to Shelby.

SexBot, Come Home! [MF][oral]

*Sometime in the future….*

Shelby’s eyes flew open from the homing signal booting up her system. With ninety percent power, she had enough to be on her way. She dressed and put on her shoes in the entertainment room, where she had been left her face down on a couch, and walked from the party house. At the end of his driveway, the pretty blonde sexbot set her bearings to a northwest pedestrian route and set about walking the twenty five hundred miles home.

Five hours later, in the midst of Florida’s heat and humidity, Shelby’s sensors indicated she was close to overheating. Her coolant was evaporating from her skin in tiny beads of simulated sweat. And though she was operating on solar power, her reserves charged to capacity, she was still in need of coolant to complete her journey. She spotted a fueling station with a convenience store near a highway entrance, and headed towards it. She entered the cool store and walked up to the young male clerk behind the counter.

“Hi, I’m Shelby and I require robot coolant. R260 grade.”

He pulled it off the back counter and scanned it.

My Girl Uses Me in Her Sex Shows [MF][Exh][buk]

I was on my way home, just parking the truck in our stall, when amessage from Lola came in on my phone. ‘Don’t forget, we have a show at 7.’ She knows I go to the gym to buff up before a show as I’m still a little shy about appearing naked on camera. I made my way upstairs to our apartment where Lola stepped out of the kitchen, wiping her hands on a dishtowel. Lola. My woman with long wild chestnut hair, big boobs, big brown eyes and a bodacious ass. She loves me and honestly, I don’t know what to do without her.

“You’re cutting it close,” she said.

I looked at the clock. At twenty minutes to show time, I didn’t have much time.

“I know, I know. I’m going to take a quick shower.”

I gave her a peck on the cheek before showering real well to make every inch of me was nice and clean for whatever Lola may do. I wrapped a towel around my waist as I made my way into the ‘studio’; the spare bedroom which serves as our ‘set’ as well as storage. Equipped with lights, a webcam, a laptop and a TV monitor, all aimed at the queen size bed, it was a working webcasting studio set up to be operated from the bed.

Lola & Rex’s Sex Show [MF][oral][bukkake][exh/voy]

I was on my way home, just parking the truck, when the message from Lola came in on my phone. ‘Don’t forget, we have a show at 7.’ She knows I go to the gym to buff up before a show as I’m still a little shy about being naked on camera. I made my way upstairs to our apartment where Lola stepped out of the kitchen, wiping her hands on a dishtowel. Lola. My woman with long wild chestnut hair, big boobs, big brown eyes and a bodacious ass. She loves me and honestly, I don’t know what to do without her.

“You’re cutting it close,” she said.

I looked at the clock. At twenty minutes to show time, I didn’t have much time.

“I know, I know. I’m going to take a quick shower.”

I gave her a peck on the cheek before showering real well to make every inch of me was nice and clean for whatever Lola may do. I wrapped a towel around my waist as I made my way into the ‘studio’; the spare bedroom which serves as our ‘set’ as well as storage. Equipped with lights, a webcam, a laptop and a TV monitor, all aimed at the queen size bed, it was a working webcasting studio set up to be operated from the bed.