[M][F] Who knew Indian Girl from the quiet town of Chennai … turned out to be some of the best sex ever

So, this happened a good 5 years ago, back when I was living in India. Chennai happens to be a quiet laid back town with a spirit like none other, yet for the most part from the outside it looks like a very conservative town. It’ll always be home despite me not living in India for the last 5~ years. I’ve gotten into some pretty wild scenes in India, this is one of the most memorable.

I first met Viti at a random house party, where in a very drunk haze we hooked up much to the amusement of the people that were crashing in the house after the party. I got her number the next morning and told her that i’d text her.

Thanks to our mutual friend circles, we were both under the impression that us hooking up was a bad decision for various reasons. In fact, our mutual friends told us separately not to talk to each other, and yet we kept in touch with a few casual messages every now and then, mostly skirting around the topic that we hooked up.