Extra Credit: Part 3 (MF) (Student/Professor) (F pov)

Peek my profile for Part 1 & 2 :)

It was around 11:30pm and my heart was pounding in anticipation of what was about to happen tonight. I was still reeling from yesterday’s steamy “meeting” in Professor Wells’ office. As I wondered exactly what this extra credit assignment would be, I could feel myself start to get wet between my legs. He was so fucking sexy yesterday when he took charge of me in his office, I wondered how it could even get better that that. I started running my hand along my neck and chest as I remembered him spanking my ass with his strong hand and the way he looked at me as he was cumming. I brought my hands slowly down to touch myself over my skirt and after a few minutes of this, I was totally soaked just in time to leave for the track field. I threw on an oversized denim jacket, grabbed my phone, and headed for the door. I gave myself one last look in the mirror and hurried off.

Seduced By My Captor Part 1: Medieval Era | M/F | Fiction

The heat of the fire was nothing compared to the flush of my skin brought on by his large rough hands gliding up my thigh. It was a cold night and I was happy that we decided to set up camp beneath the trees instead of riding till dawn. All the men were fast asleep in their tents, I’m assuming, given the occasional grumbling snores in the distance, drowned out only by the crackling of the flames.

Extra Credit: Part 2 (MF) (Student/Professor) (F pov)

**Part 2**

I stumbled out of Professor Wells’ class with my heart nearly pounding out of my chest and a slip and slide between my legs. My whole body was shaking with excitement as I replayed what just happened in my mind. Did he seriously just push his dick against me and ask to meet later? I thought back to the feeling of his warm breath tickling my ear. “Don’t be late”, he said to me. Oh, I wouldn’t be. I walked slowly back to my single dorm room with a nervous excitement in my gut, thinking about what I was going to wear and if we were actually going to get down and dirty in his office or if that was just a tricky way of giving me a real extra credit assignment.

Extra Credit: Part 1 (MF) (Student/Professor) (F pov)

Part 1

“Bzzz! Bzzz!”, I heard to my left, startling me out of a dreamy state. I was having the most wonderful dream. My weak attempt to pull myself back into it was interrupted by sudden panic. “Shit! I’m late again”, I said to myself as I looked down at my phone and realized I had hit the snooze button for the last hour and 20 minutes. Professor Wells was going to be pissed. I had already been late for this 8am class 4 times now, and a 5th time meant that I would drop half a grade’s worth of points. I jumped out of bed and ran a brush through my long blonde hair, moving quickly through my morning hygiene routine. I smoothed on a bit of tinted moisturizer, blush, and some pale pink lip balm. “That’ll have to do”, I thought to myself as I pulled on some easy high-waisted jeans and a fitted cropped long-sleeve.