Spoilt princess disguises herself as a commoner…

I grew bored of my sheltered life in the castle and yearned for something more. My father forbade me from leaving the grounds no matter how much I protested. I would often amuse myself by tormenting my female servants and they would not dare to complain to the Lord, lest they be beaten and whipped. Even at the age of 19 I was still yet to be married as most eligible suitors were at war in some distant place. Any lowborn men I tried to talk to did not even look me in the eye out of fear and respect for my father.

I planned to disguise myself as a commoner and sneak out to the inn outside of the castle walls. When my maid was undressing me in my bedchamber I finally revealed my plans to her. She threatened to tell my father, but I threatened her with far worse. She agreed she would lend me her clothes, but would not help me any further. With tears in her eyes, she removed her humble dress and placed it over my head. I waited till it grew darker and then mingled with crowd, exiting through the main gate into the unknown.

My ‘first time’ teaching English in South Korea (F/M)

As a white blonde girl in Korea I felt like a celebrity. Even in the capital Seoul, where everyone is used to seeing foreigners, people were constantly staring at me. I had finished teaching late at a Hagwon and it was Friday night, so I thought why not grab a drink somewhere. I was in the Hongdae area, which is pretty much the epicentre of student nightlife, so I had a bunch of bars to choose from. Wandering through the bustling streets, I brushed past a right mix of characters, ranging from tipsy Korean Businessman, to loud American soldiers and giggling students. Noisy bars were in abundance, but it had been a long day and I felt the need to go somewhere a bit quieter.

Miraculously, I found a cute little place that for some reason hadn’t attracted any loud and boisterous friday night revellers. I sat down at the bar, ordered a glass of wine and sparked up a cigarette. A few exhales and sips of wine later I found myself in the zone where your vision dims, your mind grows cloudy and anything is possible. Buzzing from the wine, and lost in my own thoughts, I hardly noticed the two Korean men who had sat down either side of me. “Hello pretty lady”, said the taller one, looking smug and confident and seemingly impressed with his English.