[Ff] “Cotton Candy”

Author’s Note: I am new to the sub, but not new to erotic writing. I have been published before to fair success (for a side job). I am trolling through my old Google Drive now finding stories I wrote on a whim or during a particular time in my life, so I thought I would share with the community.


I was walking across the soccer field toward the car with my two oldest kids, chit-chatting about this and that, looking forward to a relaxing end of the day. As we approached the parking lot we came upon the softball fields and my son said to me “I thought you said girls played softball and boys played baseball?”

“Yeah, that’s normally the way it goes, why?” I replied.

“Well, because look – there are guys and girls playing on that team over there.”

I looked over at the group gathering to play and instantly realized that I was about to enter a topic of conversation I was hoping to avoid for at least another year or two. “No sweetie, those are all girls…or women, actually. Its just, well, some women like to dress and act a certain way that…well, kinda makes them look a little like boys”.