[MF] Last Night I Fucked A Milf With A Pixar Mom Ass

I (M26) was scrolling through Feeld a few days ago when I matched with Maggie (F39, not her real name for privacy reasons). I was pretty excited upon matching. She was very cute, with kind eyes and a bright smile. She also looked like she might be hiding some nice curves under her large green sweater.

We start chatting about sex and we find a lot of common ground. We’re into very sensual, passionate play. And we also share fantasies of group sex. Off to a pretty good start!

Fast forward to last night. We go grab some Mediterranean food downtown in her city. I am delighted to find that she is energetic and bubbly in person. Very girl-next-door vibes. Very much my type. Over some falafel and baklava, we share about our work and our favorite Radiohead albums (she’s partial to Hail To The Thief, I’m torn between Kid A and In Rainbows).

New FWB Broke My Dry Spell And Gave Me The Best Sex Of My Life [MF] (M25, F28)

Sexy stuff begins at *****, for those who are impatient/horny as I sometime am.

This was fairly recent in January. Like everyone else, quarantine has dried up a lot of my dating/fwb prospects, and the last girl I had dated and had sex with was 4 months prior to this. With my unrelenting sex drive, I’d been visiting Reddit almost daily to admire the beautiful women who are kind/horny enough to share nudes to strangers online (the real mvp’s!!). But it still lacked the personal connection I desired. So, armed with my smartphone and multiple Tinder-esque apps, day by day I was swiping away.

I’m not a greek god or anything, but I’m not a bad looking guy. 6’1″, blonde hair/blue eyes, and slim-fit (enough for a 6-pack outline), and, if I do say so myself, nice forearms (rock climbing has done wonders for them). Even so, I was really struggling to get a match, and whenever I would, the conversation would die down before we met up.

A Late Bloomer And A Christian: My First Sexual Experience At 22 Was Quite Different Than I Expected [MF]

Welp, here goes nothing. We were both of age when this happened, and names are changed to protect the not-so-innocent ;) If you want a good story, read the whole thing. If you only want the sexy bits (been there, I get it), skip to *SEXY STUFF*


I’m a Christian. I know, not a sentence you’d expect this kind of story to start off with (for those who aren’t familiar, sex outside of marriage in most Christian circles is considered a BIG no-no). I love Jesus but don’t go around judging people if they do something I disagree with. But I grew up very conservative, and while some of my views have shifted (IE: I believe you can look at nude photos and be respectful of the subject’s personhood. I enjoy commenting on Gonewild photos and telling the posters they’re beautiful), I still believe that sex outside of marriage is wrong. Butttt I still went there. More on that in a bit.